View Full Version : Must see Honda short films

15th April 2010, 07:16 PM
These are not 'car' movies per se but short films about the ethos of the car industry and Honda pushing the limits to always deliver the best. Sure they may tote the party line and maybe they appeal to older people like myself, but I found these short films absolutely awesome, "Failure - the secret to success" is very good.


17th April 2010, 08:23 PM
I really enjoyed the Failure video too. So many good lessons in there.
Good find :)

18th April 2010, 12:28 PM
just watched 3 in a row, gonna start the next one in a bit...

very cool videos

favourite quote so far:

"the stone age didnt end because we ran out of stones, it would be great to end the oil age because we found something better"