We have just enabled the TAPATALK suite for the website.

In a nutshell, if you own a phone that is able to install apps (Android / iPhone etc)

Head to your apps store / marketplace and install TAPATALK

AE86DC is listed now under Automotive / Toyota / AE86DC

The "lite version" of TAPATALK is FREE but you cannot POST from it

I just downloaded the paid version $2.99 USD (like $3.05 with the current exchange rate, LOL) and the paid version supposedly supports posting.

here is their rant

Hopefully some of you guys who have been wanting mobile browsing abilities can get some decent usage out of this app

For those of you who only have a basic web-browser on your phone (no apps support), I am looking into a skin for you that cuts down on the images and is a bit more small format friendly.

