looks like I am going to sell off all my old cag engine parts and not use them ever again, because I have this.....

a F1 Balata rep 40cc engine thats rated at 7hp standard. I also got a rep 19mm Dell'orto carb (original 14mm), different pipe and 2 x tripple stage reeds. It should tottaly haul arse

the engine mount was no good to me in that position so I wanted to see if I could reverse it so it faced down. I took the head off and while I was at it I took the bore off to see how it was made and why it made so much power.

Heres with the head off and the piston at BDC:

the ports are absolutley huge in this thing, the exhaust ports take up like 1/3 of the whole diameter and there are 4 transfer ports and 1 boost port.

Heres another pic of the bore with the barrel removed:

and of the V stack reed system, its very large, very close ot the piston and most suprisingly it has had some aditional hand porting beween the intake and the transfer ports. I have never seen such quality in a 2 stroke and it came out of China which is downright scary.

and yes I did manage to reverse the head. I have designed most of the new frame and I will have to do some major chopping to make it fit. I hope to do it this weekend.