View Full Version : Auctions?

22nd September 2009, 12:33 AM
Hey all

Don't really know where the right section is for this topic so i guessed it would just slide in here lol

so anyway, I was watching topgear and they had a evo on there that jeremy had bought from the police. It had been used for drug transportation or something. But he had got it very cheap

so naturally i became curious and had a look on google.

I found a government auction. they where just selling used government cars Ve commodores and Ford etc.

But then i started trying to find siezed cars for auction.

I was wondering if anyone knew a place that auctioned off cars that had been stolen, used for drugs, brought over illegally, just basically taken by the police or concil in SA?

Also if anyone had a website that might point me in the right direction???

Cheers Tyrone