View Full Version : What will make paint come off plastic?

9th November 2009, 03:19 PM
STILL trying to clean my rear bumper up, got 90% of the paint off with a gurney, but there is just real shit areas that are seem like they are apart of the bumper, could i dilute paint stripper to get it off without melting plastic?

9th November 2009, 03:23 PM
Look in tech threads? I put up an article on how to strip the colour out of plastic.

Use Mr. Muscle oven cleaner in the sun, then hit with pressure cleaner. I'd say it would work, If not it's only $5 gone....

9th November 2009, 07:10 PM
thanks Clint!

9th November 2009, 07:18 PM
use thinners.
ps nice vandal squad pic.

9th November 2009, 07:26 PM
will something like a citrus thinner work? i jsut bought some for my rims, works a treat but i don't wanna fuck paint

9th November 2009, 07:27 PM
thinners will melt the plastic?

9th November 2009, 07:53 PM
will it, i keep my thinners in a plastic bottle at work no problems, stir paint with a plastic sturrer which has thinners in it clean it in thinners, google it i dont think it will.

9th November 2009, 08:08 PM
will it, i keep my thinners in a plastic bottle at work no problems, stir paint with a plastic sturrer which has thinners in it clean it in thinners, Google it i dont think it will.
i left my model engine in thinners so i could repaint it, it ended up as a white slop on the bottom of the container:(

9th November 2009, 08:18 PM
depends on the thinners , plastic how long you leave it.

9th November 2009, 08:54 PM
Model plastic is much softer than bumper plastic. You mixed house hold with industrial.
Thinners shouldn't really melt bumpers. I would of thought paint stripper would be ok too if you don't leave in on too long.
Good way to check would be to apply some thinners or paint stripper to the inside of the bumper and see what happens. monitor it carefully. If it melts easy don't use it!
If you have 2pac on your bumpers the thinners wont take it off unless its fresh.
Enamel and acrylic paint should come off easily with out damaging your bumper. You may be left with with a smugged paint sort of look though, if you can't get it all off.
Oh yeh, you can also try prep sole/wax and grease remover. This is a really light type of thinners used to remove wax and grease in preparation for painting.
It will have no effect on 2pac and may take along time on acrylic and enamel.

R&D Mechanical
9th November 2009, 09:21 PM
carby cleaner

9th November 2009, 10:06 PM
I know oven cleaner works well on small plastic model car type plastic for removing paint, and as it has been pointed out that type of plastic is a lot softer/ has a lower melting point so might be a good starting point?

but i'd personally use diluted thinners first to see what happens then get harsher

9th November 2009, 10:56 PM
i wont go into detail about polymers cause im over it, BUT


Im all for cleaning the paint right off before painting, i dont really like the smooth look, my rolla pulls the smooth off better than a sprinter would but i still dont like it.

10th November 2009, 07:47 PM
try paint stripper, ive used it before and it works. trick is to leave it on for the perfect amount of time, so it lifts as much as it can before it re-hardens. i think septone make some but i used pollystrippa (i just read its no good on fibreglass and plastic... >_<).

10th November 2009, 07:53 PM
paint-stripper is just a bit too dangerous. depending on the strength it'll just turn your bumper into goo

try the others .. oven cleaner, caustic soda, thinners (doubt this last one will do much to already-dry paint)