View Full Version : tacho in a ke70

1st December 2009, 02:44 PM
hi guys a have an autometer 5'' tach which i installed on my ke70. Ive followed all the instructions and it works when i hook it up. But, as soon as i touch it to the negative on the ignition coil the motor turns off and i the car wont kick over again. Any ideas on what my problem could be?

1st December 2009, 05:31 PM
If it works why are you doing any more than getting it working???

And what are you touching to the coil negative?

1st December 2009, 06:50 PM
I connected it all up, started the car and it was all fine. I then turned the car off and it wouldnt kick over again. I disconnected everything and the car started again, i left the car running and connected everything, the last thing i connected to was the ignition coil, as soon as the cable touched it the car died. The diagram recieved with the tacho shows to connect to negative terminal on ignition coil.

Hen may possibly be a nut
1st December 2009, 08:07 PM
Sounds like the wire you're connecting from the tacho is earthing out the coil negative, and so the coil will no longer spark.

Double check your wiring and the wiring diagram (maybe it's wrong). Also check whether the wire you're connecting to the coil has a short to ground before you attach it (maybe there's an internal short in the tach)

Tacho connections should be something along the lines of ground, 12V, headlight signal and coil negative signal. I may well be pointing out the obvious, but ground and coil negative are two different things.


4th December 2009, 08:47 PM
thanks hen for ur advice,, i thought that was happening but ive checked over everything. Wile the tacho is connected i have no spark in my spark plugs. Do i need a more powerful ignition coil?