View Full Version : how to mould an ae86 boot lip

28th December 2009, 11:45 AM
Car - ae86 hatchback

motor - N/A

use - N/A

problem - bought a boot lip and want to mould it

occurs/started when - set about moulding it on

so ive got my fibreglass boot lip waiting here looking pretty.
doesnt look very clear cut as to where to either rivet or bog or where to start in general.
if anyone has any tips on what to do or pics that would be great.

*ive seen a boot wing get moulded on and that looked pretty straight foreward as parts of the boot wing sat flush/near flush with the existing boot hatch.

any help is much appreciated.

28th December 2009, 03:23 PM
line it up right, rivet and bog to fix up mistakes and cover rivets

28th December 2009, 05:02 PM
yer but none of the fibreglass sits flush enough with the boot, its too far or on an angle if you get what im saying

28th December 2009, 07:04 PM
na, but if its a copy it explains it, the guy who built up dirty ibis ae86 showed me his copy sucked so much he had to cut it in half and then widen it just so the mould would sit normal, all trd copies have small little issues just need to do measurements do what sliders do best(dodgy diy mods) and get it over n done with.