View Full Version : uuummm ooookkk....

19th January 2009, 03:27 PM
was on zoo and found this think it from queensland

would like 2 know wot the dog had 2 do with it?

Chairs with flares
19th January 2009, 04:44 PM
Perhaps his mask was showing signs of fatigue and he was very particular about material choice...

A dildo is a taboo enough item that no-one would question public possession of one...

Aaaand being a blunt object, the dildo won't penetrate the leather;leaving a flawless finish on masks...

Anyone else?


19th January 2009, 05:37 PM
was on zoo and found this think it from queensland

would like 2 know wot the dog had 2 do with it?

wel i wuld lik 2 tel u but i cnt spek english

mack 10
19th January 2009, 08:27 PM

AN Andergrove mother was bludgeoned with a rubber dildo wrapped in duct tape by a home invader who also killed her little pet dog by strapping it up to a palm tree in a public park, a court heard yesterday.

The alleged attacker wore a leather mask and his attack was premeditated and particularly violent, police said.

The Daily Mercury spoke with the 49-year-old victim about her ordeal yesterday and has decided not to identify her.

She was bruised and distressed and was upset by the death of her pet dog named Apso, a friendly little 15-month-old dog that may have bitten his attacker before he was killed.

In another bizarre twist to the shocking case, blood in Apso's mouth will be DNA tested to see if it belongs to the man who allegedly killed him.

Shaun Michael Burke, 38, appeared in the Magistrate's Court yesterday charged with burglary, armed robbery and wilfully and unlawfully killing a dog at night.

Prosecutor Sergeant Sabine Scott said it will alleged that a woman, 49, and her son, 19, were at home when a woman came to the front door about 3am on Monday and distracted them while Burke allegedly broke in.

The son was chased through the house, into the back yard and, fearing for his life, he jumped over a fence to escape.

The woman was hit with a dildo which “appeared to be wrapped in such a way with duct tape to make it a better bludgeoning weapon”, Sgt Scott said.

The female victim eventually fled on foot.

Sgt Scott said the dog was taken to a nearby public park where it was taped with duct tape by the head and chest to a palm tree and died of asphyxia.

Investigating officers recovered the dog's body, found a leather mask and duct tape in a vehicle and more duct tape in Burke's pocket.

“He had cuts on his arms which could have been caused by a dog bite,” Sgt Scott said.

“Blood in the dog's mouth will be tested to see if it is his.”

Duty solicitor David Strutynski applied for bail for Burke and said: “I'm guessing there is a lot behind this matter which needs to be sorted out.”

Burke had been living with a housemate who “got in his ear and he snapped”, Mr Strutynski said.

“He saw a GP at Slade Point last Friday and was to see a Mental Health officer on Monday afternoon and ATODS (Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Service) on Tuesday but these events have intervened.”

Burke had alcohol and mental health issues and would get better treatment if granted bail, Mr Strutynski said.

Magistrate Ross Risson remanded Burke in custody overnight and will consider the bail application today.

A woman, 21, who was allegedly involved in the incidents, has been granted watch-house bail to appear in court on January 29.

20th January 2009, 11:26 PM
Ahahahahaha gold

21st January 2009, 02:21 PM

this is like GTA