View Full Version : Fuel Gauge replacement

21st January 2010, 12:50 AM
Ok, im sick of having to chuck a whole bunch of fuel into the race car to ensure that ill make it through a track meeting, so im going to put a fuel level gauge back in the car.

The question is, what gauge does everyone else use?
This scan indicates that the levels are 110Ohm Empty 3Ohm Full

But the closest i can find in any cattledog seems to be 73E 0F .... which is probably close enough. Just want to know for certain.

Mr Awsome
21st January 2010, 02:32 AM
I’ve got a speco 2" and universal sender to go in my car once i get it all back together cant remember off the top of my head what the ohm rating is. didn’t cost much either.

few mods needed to be done with the sender.
1 is redrill the holes on the senders mounting ring as the holes are a little out from the factory fuel tank ones.
2removing the slide adjuster and just using the top and bottom parts together no middle.
try to get it facing the same way as the factory one. so just remember when your taking it out which way the float is facing.

thats about it from the 30mins i was playing around with it. also you dont need to drop your fuel tank just do it through the boot floor.