View Full Version : drum brakes

28th March 2010, 04:33 PM
everytime i go driving these days my cars does this weird noise. and i think its the drum brakes

pretty much when im driving.

- randomley my radio will turn off
- accelerator peddle becomes a little heavier and when i push down to accelerate there is a fairly loud screeching noise coming from the back of my car. if no acceleration is applied during this time the radio turns off the noise wont happen.

sometimes it only goes for 1 second and sometimes it can go for longer say 5 seconds

i'm thinking its the drum breaks because of the accel peddle becoming heavier and not very responsive if i accelerate when the noise happens. then the radio will come back on and be all fine. and its definetly not the car speakers making the noise.

if anyones got ideas what would be wrong it would be very helpful..cheers.

28th March 2010, 05:02 PM
you think your drum brakes are turning your radio off?

28th March 2010, 05:05 PM

28th March 2010, 05:40 PM

for the love of god stop driving the thing and take it to a mechanic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Im really sorry if this is rude, but it is absolutely clear that you have know idea whats going on with the car and lack the knowledge to fix it even if someone on here can diagnose it. You NEED to take it to a qualified mechanic and pay him to fix it. Yes it sucks paying but thats what owning a car is about!

28th March 2010, 06:09 PM

for the love of god stop driving the thing and take it to a mechanic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Im really sorry if this is rude, but it is absolutely clear that you have know idea whats going on with the car and lack the knowledge to fix it even if someone on here can diagnose it. You NEED to take it to a qualified mechanic and pay him to fix it. Yes it sucks paying but thats what owning a car is about!

obvoiously i came on here coz it could have been something minor that i could quite easily fix myself..rather then taking it to a mechanic and paying them $200 to fix something i could have quite easily done myself.

28th March 2010, 06:12 PM
Are you sure these 3 problems are related?

Radio turning off: Does the power/accessories wire/s run behind the brake pedal? Its possible, although unlikely I think in the case of a KE70, that the wire got pinched when you slammed on the brakes. Now it could be shorting out blah blah trace the wiring, fix.

Screeching noise: Sounds rear brake related, check drum brake shoes etc. Could be that a brake cyl is leaking, oil on shoe leading to noise. Again, perhaps unlikely, but possible. Check bearings while your at it.

Accelerator: Are you sure its heavier? not just more difficult to accelerate, so you push harder?
Uneven brake shoes/warped drums or something like that. Somehow brakes could be dragging on making it harder to accelerate

28th March 2010, 10:18 PM

if you reckon you have the skills to fix it, then get out there and do it. asking questions on a text based forum isnt going to help. you havent, and cannot give a reaonable description of this apparent noise.

ill give you a hint, the rear diff has absolutely nothing to do with your stereo. (<---- read that again, just so you are clear)

pull everything appart and put a new pair of brake shose in (cuase they are cheap, remember to adjust them properly). check the wheel bearings are intact while your there, but since you reckon it doesnt do it all the time, im gonna guess it isnt that.

there really is nothing else in the back of a ke70 that has the potential to make any noise. appart from the diff centre, but you will know about that if it is playing up.

now off you go! less typing on keyboards, more swinging spanners and getting covered in brake dust.