View Full Version : What to do in Japan (Tokyo& Nagano)

27th January 2009, 01:22 PM
Hey hey
I'm heading to Japan on Saturday for a few weeks snowboarding and I was wondering if anyone has advice on things to do or places to check out in either Tokyo and or in Nagano as I'll be in Hakuba for three weeks and a week in Tokyo.

27th January 2009, 01:26 PM
unsure on location

but toyota city would be where i would want to visit

27th January 2009, 01:43 PM
There's heaps of Toyota museums around Nagano and Toyota-City if your into that kinda thing.

27th January 2009, 07:16 PM
Check out Japanese school girls.....hey guys it's legal:DD

27th January 2009, 09:00 PM
yer isnt anything legal in japan as long as it doesnt show pubic hair? so get em real young and its cool.

28th January 2009, 12:27 AM
toyota museum in tokyo isn't bad. only the first floor and the basement are anygood tho. the other 5 floors above it are just cars for sale. i'm still tripping how they get the cars into those top floors.

its in ikebukero. there is also sunshine city too. its pretty cool there, they have an aquirium and a theme park inside a shopping centre. they have seals performing and just heaps of tanks of cool fish and shit. next door to that they have an office building thats like bullshit high and the top floor is a lookout. totally worth going to see. just riding the elevator is crazy... 60 floors in less than 30 seconds, but all the lights go out and then the whole thing lights up and they have shit glowing and moving on the walls. they also do the same thing in the subways too.

also there is toyko dome which has a rollercoaster that runs thru and on top of the mall there too.

28th January 2009, 12:33 AM
main target u would be looking in tokyo would be:

AKIHABARA for all technologies needs and Adult Video XD
Harajuku for all clothes and haircuts asian style
Tokyo Dome if there is any concerts up
Chiba city, check on internet if there is any small auto show are held
Ginza if you wanna buy Gucci, LV or somefink expensive

There's a cool Auto Show at Osaka,

Osaka Auto Messe 2009
at Feb. 13, 14, 15

going Osaka from Tokyo would be a good experience on riding the Bullet Train though

28th January 2009, 04:46 PM
cool cool
I've found out about the toyota motor museum
incase any one wants to have a look

I'm leaving in two days and I'm just about wetting myself can't wait!!!!

28th January 2009, 06:13 PM
If you are into bikes, Honda has a wicked bike museum, with all factory race bikes on display!

28th January 2009, 06:16 PM
used underwear from vendies!

29th January 2009, 01:14 AM
have fun in japan

3rd February 2009, 10:21 PM
i've done 36 hours in tokyo harajuku was awesome and so was akihabara i've been in hakuba for 24 hours the snow isn't the best but i've got plenty of time to wait keep the ideas coiming though i'm heading to see snow monkeys n matsumoto catle looks cool

seriously I want to move here!!!!

3rd February 2009, 11:43 PM
go Shibuya while ur at tokyo.... ooohhh, when u live in a host family in japan, u realllllyyy want to go and stay there foreva ! ! !

4th February 2009, 12:43 AM
i hear they made decent noodles and asain food.

4th February 2009, 01:30 AM
lmao try some fugu while your there. dw you wont die unless you buy it off some seedy looking dude in a dimly lit alley

4th February 2009, 09:54 AM
i hear they made decent noodles and asain food.

never heard that one. try that?

4th February 2009, 06:32 PM
any drifting events on?

4th February 2009, 07:33 PM
pretty sure they dont drift over in Japan bro.
Everyone knows it was originated in America.

4th February 2009, 07:39 PM
any drifting events on?
Drifting season has finished.

4th February 2009, 08:03 PM
yeah we missed out on the drift and sumo season finished a little before i got here and the powder seems to have dried up early too
hopefully we will be getting some tomorrow night
loving the sake, sushi and sushmi though

do your self a favour andput rudds bonus towards a trip to japan its the goods

4th February 2009, 08:05 PM
white powder? your not looking hard enough then

4th February 2009, 10:19 PM
jeez man, sucky time to go to japan :P

head into the touge if you can, maybe ull see the next ueo ;)

oh yeah, and take lots of pics!!

10th February 2009, 10:35 PM
yep found me some powder snow its been hiding in the trees all along!!!!

but yep i think feb is probably the crappest time to come to check out cars (although there has been some quality cars in the resorts car parks)

expecting rain on friday so thats going to kill the snow a bit, so i think we will be off to matsumoto

13th February 2009, 11:31 PM
There is a toyota musuem and showroom in Odaiba, Tokyo.
Its right next to the giant ferris wheel.
There are some GT500 Supras and Chasers in there.

There is also a classic car museum in the mall next door.
Apparently Hakuba is bangin for snowboarding, I might head up there next weekend and check it out.

You might wanna get your hurry on though, this winter has been really warm and there isn't all that much snow around.

14th February 2009, 07:09 PM
yeah hakuba is banging for snowboarding but my mate broke his femur 3 days ago so its put a dampener on things not to mention my mate broke his femur 3 days ago and we had torential rain last night so everything is wet n slushy thanks for the tip on the toyota museum and ferris wheel think we will be heading there when we get back to tokyo
good predictions for lots of snow starting tomorrow night cant wait 30 plus centimetres predicted so hopefully next week will be the goods

14th February 2009, 11:45 PM
Go to the Super Autobacs in Tokyo bay. I got back from Japan 1 week ago, and gotta say, its pretty good. Go to Akihabara and Shinjuku, and be sure to buy yourself a beer, some smokes and some porn out of a vending machine (its a cool experience)

15th February 2009, 01:00 AM

tada! it's an awsome guide to taking in the culture of japan in different areas...

15th February 2009, 01:50 AM
Oh and Gaspanic nightclub is worth a look in Roppongi. So long as it's a saturday night.
Might try hit up Hakuba this weekend.

Although I think my Coxyx (sp) is broken. It's the 'tailbone' in your spine.
meh.. I can still walk.