View Full Version : Paint stripping plastic bars

17th April 2010, 12:48 PM
hey guys, i after a solution to paint stripper a levin front bar that i've got. its got so many layers of paint on it that it will take forever to rub every crack down. is there something on the market that i can use to strip the old paint off...

ps. im also after a levin bar if anyones got one.

thanks phuoc.

17th April 2010, 01:24 PM
It was a mission to get mine stripped without ruining it. I went looking for this paint stripper for plastic with no luck. Went to a panel beaters and they said it was like $60 a can and you would probably need 3 cans to do a whole bar. In the end I gave up looking and used normal paint stripper and a gurney. Just don't leave that shit on for too long.

19th April 2010, 12:23 AM
howd it turn out?

19th April 2010, 02:43 AM
hey your better off finding someone that does soda blasting, you can get it stripped right down with no damage to the substrate.