View Full Version : ke70 steering rack

3rd May 2010, 06:15 PM
So I was on the ns.com cruise saturday night and some how managed to get to the front. So I had a bit of fun up lobethal road and then it went onto deviation road and I did the same. Knowing it pretty well I had my fun but for those of you who don't know the road its got the worst road surface in the world. The insides of the corners sink away and just inside further the road is torn to shreads.
So I came pretty decently into a landhand hairpin corner and the car appearing to step further into the corner than I had actually steered. When I passed the apex is went back fine no issues. My guess is it hit the part of the road that sinks away and the tie road fatigued. Today I took for a short drive and there was the faintest knock

My question is, is it possible I've damaged my steering rack?

As always any response is a usefull response.

3rd May 2010, 10:48 PM
any slop in the steering? apart from the noise can you feel anything?

4th May 2010, 12:35 PM
the same kinda think happend to my girlfriends ae71 when the rack end was rooted just give all the steering balljoints a good yank back and forth and feel for any movement
just my geuss
