View Full Version : Dear Aussie's.......How bout yall do us yanks a SOLID!

matt petty
12th May 2010, 10:40 PM
So i was talking to a bunch of nerdo's and we all need Levin fenders (guards)... We can get fiberglass all day but that is lame. We want metal ones we can hammer flat and fill.

From what i understand thats all you guys got..(thats cool all we got is trueno)

so basically can we make something happen where yall grab us up like 5-6 fenders (OEM METAL ae85 sprinters) and throw em in a box best you can ... and send them across the pond.. with enough money on top to make it worth your while, without draggin us through the muck... i have trueno fenders falling out of my butthole. I am willing to do the same if they are hard to get over yonder. (personally i have like 6 "guards")

With love,
Matt Petty

if you want some references please pm. I am on a few international forums and im sure some AUS guys will vouch for me.

12th May 2010, 11:00 PM
i dont understand one bit

12th May 2010, 11:08 PM
i dont understand one bit

he wants someone to send him levin panels for cash or for trueno panels

12th May 2010, 11:19 PM
pm'd you

12th May 2010, 11:36 PM
Yanks? I thought you guys were the best at JDM style and us Aussies sucked?

Neck up!

matt petty
13th May 2010, 02:24 AM
We are ok at it... we obviously got our big fat hands on lights, hoods (bonnets),front bumpers (front bar) ETC

the issue is getting metal fenders for not a million dollars. most of the stuff is only avail in fiberglass,as im sure you are all aware metal fenders are much better. Sooooo
thats why i got referred here through another forum.

Like i said i have pop up fenders littering my garage. If you guys want me to round up those as well as headlights,corner lights etc etc i can make it happen.

13th May 2010, 09:50 AM
I think the only people that could possibly do this is some of the site sponsors.

13th May 2010, 08:11 PM
Play nice please people...

13th May 2010, 10:30 PM
are there many ae86 in new jersey Im coming over to the states in a couple of months wouldnt mind check out some of the car scene

13th May 2010, 11:37 PM
Dang things are gettin' hard to find even here, tho the trueno swap may interest some.

matt petty
14th May 2010, 01:38 PM
are there many ae86 in new jersey Im coming over to the states in a couple of months wouldnt mind check out some of the car scene

Sure are. Like i said, i have been running events 8 yrs blah blah.. we have a good amount for the east coast (our winters are rough on old sheet metal)

Lately we have been seeing a boom in corollas lots of kids finally getting them together.

Here is a pic from our first event of 2010 of Franky getting airborne from a dirt drop gone wrong.


Relax BRO I got this!



MR 86
14th May 2010, 05:24 PM
sweet photos.

Got any more ? hope someone here can help you regarding parts.

22nd May 2010, 12:35 AM
yea we had these in mind a long way back.. the only problem is that the logistical side of things.. check on your side on how much does it cost to send over the panels to our side and well check ours to get to your end.. to see if its worth our trouble.. cheers

nice dmax kit!!