View Full Version : double check my wiring please

2nd June 2010, 01:46 PM
http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/dcimages/1/0/3/1/45430.jpg (http://img692.imageshack.us/i/fanrely.png/)

car -ae86
ecu- micro tech
engine - 20v ST

Hey just a question
Bought DIY Theremo Fan kit from autobarn and pretty much installed it all

just a few questions

1st question
the ignition+thermo switch *circled in red*, would connect to the ECU as the ECU would control when the thermo fan comes on right?..
ECU had 2 wires for the thermo fan relay, one was positive and im guessing the other was earth *used a test light to determine the pos and neg*

the Relay only had 1 wire that was for thermo switch, so i just connected it to the ECU fan Pos, and earth the ECU neg to earth

2nd question
Motor *circled in blue*, just making sure of this, means the Fan right? basically the wire is BLUE in colour and the thermo fan had a BLUE and BLACK wire so im assuming BLUE to BLUE to power the fan and BLACK for earth,

only reason WHY im doubting my DIY skills, is after i connected it all, i turned on the car and let it warm up, radiator started to get hot and thermo still did not turn on...

MAYBE i didnt let it warm up enough, BUT i was making sure i didnt let it run too long incase the thermo wouldnt work and i'll end up fucking up the motor...OR....the ECU is not programmed to auto use thermo?..but i doubt thats the case as the ECU was tuned with this motor when i bought the package...

anyways...let me know if thats how the wireing goes, if thats ok, then atleast i know the ECU should trigger the thermos =]

2nd June 2010, 01:58 PM
if the ecu hasnt been programmed to turn it on, then it wont turn on.

best way to test would be to set the temperature to like 40degrees in the ECU, then see if it turns on.

if you connect the ignition/thermofan pin to your positive battery terminal the fan should turn on if you have the right pins used. i cant tell what pins you have used with out the numbers. and then i would have to check which number does what again:P been a while since ive wired up a relay.

2nd June 2010, 04:46 PM
I am confused by what you wrote. Your diagram sorta doesn't help. Are you trying to trigger off microtech or your fan controller. Link to fan controller please. Get a hand controller so you know what temp the engine is seein' before your engine does a headgasket.

Pin 30 of the relay goes to batt.
pin 85 goes to ignition
pin 86 goes to thermo fan swith (assuming it's negative triggered which I assume it is but can't tell without any info)
pin 87 goes to blue fan wire, not that dc motors care, it will just push air from engine bay through rad and out the grille if you get polarity wrong.

2nd June 2010, 09:04 PM
you have to use the WHITE output on the microtech for the neg to the relay

2nd June 2010, 11:51 PM
most a/f ecu's use their aux outputs on the negative side with only 1amp load , like eddie siad

3rd June 2010, 10:28 AM

Microtech had 2 wire for the Fan...one red and one white, Red had power going through it, white had nothing, assuming it is earth..

i connected PIN 86 from relay to Red wire from ECU, i should be using PIN 86 and White (earth) together? is that the go for this?

3rd June 2010, 10:35 AM
you got a wiring diagram and explanation of outputs for the microtech?

if so post it up.

also which microtech are you using? found the wiring diagrams on the website, not sure if they are different between models

3rd June 2010, 11:38 AM
nah i dont have a wiring diagram ay, the ECU had the wires labeled FAN thermo thats all

its the ECU, Microtech LT10S ECU

3rd June 2010, 11:52 AM
hmmm microtech likes to make things hard to find.

how has it been labeled? does it look like a factory thing? or has someone put a bit of masking tape.

it seems you need to assign the FAN to an auxilary output.

you would need to dive inside the ECU via laptop and see what the fan has been asigned to, and what settings there are for it.

it wont be called "fan control" it will be a switched output based on water temperature, that will be assigned to an auxilary output.

3rd June 2010, 12:48 PM
lol all this jargon, i cant follow...yeah its way hard without the hand controller...

but seems like i got the basics of it...i'll have a play with it on the weekend and report back if anything else, cheers for the help so far

3rd June 2010, 08:11 PM

microtech white wire connect to 85 relay
power from battery to 86 via a fuse
30 power from battery via fuse
87 conect to the power side of the fan and the other fan wire to the body of the car.

to check which side of the fan to connect to + chuck it on a battery or jump starter pack and get it to spin the way you want then u will see which wire to use as a + and -.

also some fans you may need to flip the fan (depending whether its on the front or back of radiator) so the fins scoop the air!!!!

to make the fan work without the ecu tull u get a hand controller just rip off the white ecu wire and put a wire onto the 85 pin via a switch to earth