View Full Version : whats better 1.5way & 2way??

2nd June 2010, 06:16 PM
which is the better over all center & why whats the main difference i know the 2way is a harsher center but why & is this a good thing??? the car will be a daliy that gets used at the track for both grip & sliding. ive been told by some people the 2way will be better but then again ive been told that the 1.5way is better now i wana know what you all think???

2nd June 2010, 06:36 PM
not an expert but i know that 2 way locks on acceleration and deceleration, and 1.5 way locks only on acceleration.
im sure theres alot more to it

2nd June 2010, 07:03 PM
1 ways lock only on acceleration
2 ways lock on acceleration and decceleration
and 1.5 way lock on acceleration and half decceleration somthing to do with the thing that makes it lock, being half as big (decceleration) as the acceleration lock thingy.

so the 2 way will give you more stability under brakes than the 1.5 would

Hen may possibly be a nut
2nd June 2010, 07:26 PM
ke_70 is pretty close. 1.5 way has ramps that locks on acceleration and ramps of a different angle which lock somewhat less on deceleration.

The only time you'll notice the difference is on engine braking. I drove 2 AE86s regularly, one with a 1way, the other with a 2way (both adjusted, good oil, etc). I really didn't notice the difference; both did skids, both were fun.

If I were in your position I'd probably buy a 2way, just because the name's more impressive. But if a good 1 or 1.5way LSD turned up cheap I wouldn't hesitate.


Touge Boy
2nd June 2010, 07:29 PM
so the 2 way will give you more stability under brakes than the 1.5 would

I disagree. A car with a 2 way will step out on decell a lot harder and comp lock a lot easier, depending on the ramp rate set, under braking and engine braking. a 1.5 way is a lot more controllable IMO. But, once you're used to a 2 way I guess it's horses for courses.

A 2 way is a lot more aggressive in it's locking too... I currently have a TRD 2 way in my car, but I actually prefer to use a 1.5 way... it also depends on your driving style, where you're driving etc.

2nd June 2010, 07:33 PM
2-way or no way

2nd June 2010, 08:35 PM
From what you have described as your intended use. The 1.5way would be a far more forgiving option.

2nd June 2010, 08:47 PM
I have a TRD 2-way in a car driven daily and on the track for grip events. On the road its not really a problem, except when driving off the bitumen onto gravel, or on the range when its really wet. On the track, its not very tolerant of botched downshifts, so you really need to match the revs properly to avoid cornering sideways or backwards.

2nd June 2010, 09:10 PM
wow heaps of info guys thanks heaps i realy appreciate it. i think im going to go the 1.5way i what something abit easer to control for when im on the st having fun:DD:DD:DD

does any one have a 1.5way zenki???

2nd June 2010, 11:11 PM
if u want a center contact me, if u want control get a 2way and get out and get use to it.

2nd June 2010, 11:41 PM
my car came with a 2 way. holy #$@%ing $hit were my initial thoughts when i did some bad 80's police movie stunts in the wet one day by accident... was just simply not used to it. but like anything in a car you learn how it feels and works so im comfortable in suggesting a 2 way, just takes some self adjusting.