View Full Version : 4age jdm vs adm power output

11th June 2010, 10:13 PM
Been reading around different places and getting conflicted story on the jdm bigport power. They seem to be rated on some site as 86kw and some at 98kw. Any know what the go is or have compared the jdm 4age bigport with the adm
or against a smallport on a dyno?

11th June 2010, 10:16 PM
the jdm bigport makes more power as from fasctory they're tuned on jap spec fuel which base line is 98 as our 4ages were probably tuned for around 92 and yeah smallport makes an extra few kw than both of em but not by much, my smallport makes 80kwatw where as an aus spec bigport will make around 70

11th June 2010, 10:39 PM
forget bigports, just use a smallport. better engine.


12th June 2010, 02:09 AM
Was your smallport stock?

Has anyone get results from theirs or any dyno they have seen of a stock jdm rwd bigport to compare this too?

13th June 2010, 09:52 AM
Does anyone know the toyota part number written on the ECU of jap bigports?

13th June 2010, 11:23 AM
from what i understand the jap ecu's have an orange sticker on them, where as the ausi ones have a blue sticker.

this is an interesting thread..
