View Full Version : a gift from k-rudd

3rd February 2009, 01:08 PM
everyone that earns under 80k gets $950 in the next 2 months. soo.... its official, k-rudd wants us to spend that money on our cars. what are you guys gunna do with it?


3rd February 2009, 01:22 PM
wonder if ill get it, pay tax yearly and its my first year so not sure if i will get it.
if i get it ill buy some 14 by7'5 or 8 SSR's

3rd February 2009, 01:27 PM
getting some 20v power parts and a rwd cooling kit. pretty funny if people bought stuff from yahoo japan with the money haha

Mickey H
3rd February 2009, 01:28 PM
That count for apprentices? i make like 13k a year :(
If so, it will definately be going on my 86, my gze isn't going to rebuild itself....

3rd February 2009, 01:31 PM
would happily take it, but i dont thinks its gunna help the country alot

3rd February 2009, 01:43 PM
its just to get more people spending more money. so i suppose if your a non conformist you will save this money? either way im sure the site sponsors are loving it

3rd February 2009, 01:45 PM
its just to get more people spending more money. so i suppose if your a non conformist you will save this money? either way im sure the site sponsors are loving it

thats were mine will probably end up!lol

wide s13
3rd February 2009, 01:50 PM
i will pay bills, buy car bits for full rebuild and maybe a night out with the mrs...........

NOT! haha j/k

Mickey H
3rd February 2009, 01:51 PM
Well that would be helping Australian businesses..... so everybody wins:jdmsmile:

3rd February 2009, 02:01 PM
save half spend half...

id buy some RE001 tires

3rd February 2009, 02:08 PM
No much goes back into the economy, unless people spend the money on services

3rd February 2009, 02:08 PM

3rd February 2009, 02:16 PM
How do I claim this money for car parts?

3rd February 2009, 02:21 PM
i'll spend it towards going OS

3rd February 2009, 02:43 PM
mine will probably end up for the painting of my car

3rd February 2009, 03:05 PM
950 huh, well that's going right into the bank where I'll hoard my money and worsen the australian economic climate

3rd February 2009, 03:06 PM
ZING!.... all taxpayers to expect a cheque or eft transfer in april... thats ideal... hmm... what to spend it on?

3rd February 2009, 03:09 PM
sometimes i love being a tertiary student.

3rd February 2009, 03:22 PM
so this is for all taxpayers? full time/part time/casual workers, yes?

3rd February 2009, 03:29 PM
yeah because its sooo hard to live of 80k a year...

or even 50k.

Im use to living of like 5k a year.
This isnt going to do anything.

3rd February 2009, 03:42 PM
No much goes back into the economy, unless people spend the money on services

what about goods? that also boosts the economy.

so basically, if you do anything with the money, IT IS IN THE ECONOMY, even if its just in the bank...... so fail

(oh and i am not trying to be rude)

3rd February 2009, 03:49 PM
950 huh, well that's going right into the bank where I'll hoard my money and worsen the australian economic climate

haha we should all do this so it doesn't work and we might get another payout a few months later. dout it.

im pretty sure any one earing off 50k a year wont be strugglering especailly the people between
80k-100k. im not sure $650 would help the people earning that much as there weekly wage would be at least double the payout. so ooh no they might have to wait an extra week to buy that beamer or merc

but mines goin to the car for sure either buying one or fixing one

Magic School Bus
3rd February 2009, 04:10 PM
maybe i should put a K Rudd sponsorship sticker on the race car now...

seeing as he is paying for the new engine and all

3rd February 2009, 04:44 PM
i get my licence back in april. my trueno should be finished and the way my finances are at the present i will be able to do everything but rego my car.


3rd February 2009, 04:52 PM
first i heard is it definelty hapening??ill be buying coilovers though i reckon.

3rd February 2009, 04:57 PM
ill be spending mine on a W box conversion and a new alloy radiator :)

3rd February 2009, 05:53 PM
gonna put this towards my t-series with 2 way :D

3rd February 2009, 06:14 PM
since when did this come about?
so ANYONE undert the 80k benchmark?
fucking sweet
might go buy an engine with this money

3rd February 2009, 06:16 PM
I wonder how much of this I'll see going through the pokies at work.

3rd February 2009, 06:24 PM
i love being a pensioner :P

3rd February 2009, 06:43 PM
id buy some RE001 tires

I need some tires, so I guess Mr Rudd can shout me some of these aswell.

The Kid
3rd February 2009, 07:41 PM
Will this also go to people on Centrelink payments? ie you allowance?
If so, some front end sussy for sure :D

3rd February 2009, 07:47 PM
dont think pensioners are recieving nething this time buddy,i could be wrong though

3rd February 2009, 07:48 PM
i hope they dont get it.

Mickey H
3rd February 2009, 08:09 PM
dont think pensioners are recieving nething this time buddy,i could be wrong though
Nah its full time workers who pay tax as far as i know, possibly part time but not casual. Pensioners might but not people on the dole.

3rd February 2009, 08:29 PM
damn it, i don't think i'm on the books at work, damn part time jobs haha. just when my car needs this most. don't think it'll work, but it'll make more people like ruddy

3rd February 2009, 08:39 PM

3rd February 2009, 08:51 PM
wooh!! 950 bucks hey.

i think a trip to the pub and some lap dances are in order.

i think krudd should join us! he likes the strippers yeah?

p.s. i :heart: krudd

3rd February 2009, 08:51 PM
i dont think people on centrelink should get it because they are already receiving tax payers money.

3rd February 2009, 08:55 PM
i dont think people on centrelink should get it because they are already receiving tax payers money.

hey?? people on centrelink need lapdances payed by the government too

3rd February 2009, 08:57 PM
^^ i thought it was just people who where working that got it?

3rd February 2009, 09:00 PM
well if centrelink bums get it then im cheerin. COIL OVERS CHEEEEH

3rd February 2009, 09:02 PM
pretty sure anyone on government benefits get it, ie ausstudy etc etc

anyway people with lesser income are gonna be the ones most likely to spend it.
and isn't that the whole point of this exersize.

or maybe its cause krudd just wants to buy 20 something million friends.:DD

3rd February 2009, 09:03 PM
i earn over 80k a year
suck's too be me

3rd February 2009, 09:10 PM
lol i dont think so mang. shouldn't you be laughing at others for needing this $950 to subsidize their pitiful income?

3rd February 2009, 09:13 PM
Sexy_16 what do you do man?

On my front, I GET NO THANG!!!! fucken casual employment bullshit

3rd February 2009, 09:17 PM
import cars from japan and i am dabbling in excavators at the moment to
as i could not sell mine i put her to work
$187 an hour

3rd February 2009, 09:18 PM
was not laughing
only a few years ago i came to oz with 50 pound in my back pocket and sandwiches my mum made me for the flight

3rd February 2009, 09:18 PM
Well it's for taxpayers. Most of the people on centerlink benefits are not tax payers. How can people not understand this?

Mickey H
3rd February 2009, 09:25 PM
^ That's how i read it. Besides, people on centrelink get enough free money

SEXY 16: I want your job...

3rd February 2009, 09:26 PM
Cash payments

One-off $950 cash payment to low and middle-income families, single workers, students, drought-effected farmers and others, in five groups of bonuses:

1. Tax bonus for working Australians: (paid automatically by ATO)
$950 tax bonus for taxable income up to $80,000
$650 tax bonus for taxable income $80,000 - $90,000
$300 tax bonus for taxable income $90,000 - $100,000

2. $950 single income family bonus for 1.5 million families
3. $950 Farmer's hardship bonus for 21,500 drought-effected farmers
4. $950 per child Back to School bonus for 2.8 million children from low to middle-income families
5. $950 Training and Learning Bonus to students and people outside the workforce returning to study

(taken from here http://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/1007496/What-s-in-the-stimulus-package )

3rd February 2009, 09:42 PM
i dont think people on centrelink should get it because they are already receiving tax payers money.

honestly, i dont think anyone should get it.

to the absolute minority, $950 could be classed as a need or requirement. However for the vast majority of the general public, its almost pissing money away...

its cost vs' reward... in my case it will go in my bank and just sit there until i want to use it, but sure, some may buy some tools or do an engine swap, maybe even go away for a weekend.... but i fail to see how this is going to have any substantial effect?

Also, i would love to know how they came to the conclusion that everyone earning under 100kpa deserves it? im able to live off almost peanuts, yet somehow people earning under 100kpa need a cash boost? lol. may aswell give to to people at random, people earning over 80k can spend money (in theory) just easy as people not.

its almost like they thought and planned this in 5 seconds

3rd February 2009, 10:03 PM
and i just quit my job to return to education.. does that mean i get it?

3rd February 2009, 10:18 PM
yer i really think its stupid. kevin rudds a fucking retard.. why not spend the money on something that would actually benefit our country rather than letting people go out and buy a plasma etc

Mickey H
3rd February 2009, 10:23 PM
yer i really think its stupid. kevin rudds a fucking retard.. why not spend the money on something that would actually benefit our country rather than letting people go out and buy a plasma etc
I know ay, almost as good as his plan to censor the internet :hehe:

4th February 2009, 01:46 AM
if anyone is stuck for idea;s on what to spend their money on i got some pimp wheels?????
lol shameless plug.

seems weird for him to do this and it works in theory but honestly people are just stoked to have free money and with interest rates dropping by another 1% everyone one is havin a good time. especially strippers it would seem

4th February 2009, 02:29 AM
I can fund my terrorist group and set up a druglab finally :-). Psyche!!!

I think either suspension for my ksev or getting the scratch on my 34 fixed. It seems someone was jealous enough to scratch "fuck you" into the side of it. Fuckin bums!!!

Kid Karola
4th February 2009, 06:44 AM
gimme! gimme! gimme! :DD

4th February 2009, 07:12 AM
You still get your money mate.. Its goes off a scale 950 for under 80k , 650 for over 80-90k and last is 90+ k is 450.. Aleast i get something

i earn over 80k a year
suck's too be me

4th February 2009, 07:13 AM
Its to boost the economy matey.. so dont buy from yahoo japan

yer i really think its stupid. kevin rudds a fucking retard.. why not spend the money on something that would actually benefit our country rather than letting people go out and buy a plasma etc

4th February 2009, 07:21 AM
lol cant wait till the whole budget surplus is spent and we have to start borrowing money off other countries..... nice work K.Fudd.
oh how i miss johnny howard :(

4th February 2009, 11:30 AM
^^^Surplus is well and truly gone. They are talking about a deficit in excess of $20 billion. It certainly won't be long before he's borrowing money from dodgy Indians in pub car parks, ala Whitlam.

And I hear that Swan is taking economic advice from Keating??? It just gets better and better...........

Poor "working families" will pay dearly for their electorial mistakes.........

4th February 2009, 12:00 PM
when will people learn, if ever

4th February 2009, 12:06 PM
probably a cage :D

4th February 2009, 12:12 PM
thats where

4th February 2009, 12:21 PM
No much goes back into the economy, unless people spend the money on services

hookers count as a service?? even if they are asian? or do i have to make sure that they are dinky dye aussie....?

4th February 2009, 12:25 PM
depends if their pimp is in australia or thailand

4th February 2009, 01:01 PM
lol in theory it works. but its like there's a knock in the engine of our economy and rather than take apart the engine and have a look whats wrong hes turning the music up so he cant hear it.

4th February 2009, 01:13 PM
pretty much,

he needs to spend money in the real places. Like if a company is importing a million dollars worth of imported goods, for a saving of 1 million a year, over aus made goods, he should give them a million and make them get the aus stuff,

for instance, my dad makes plastic, he sells it in tonnes, to people like fisher and paykel and the likes, many companies in the last 10 years have taken orders from china, because even though they dont get the exact product they want and the quality rate, they save like a million dollars a year, if dad got these sales, he could employ another whole factory worth of people, more qualified graduates, buy more australian made machinery, buy australian property. The money all his employees make would be spent in australia.

I think part of the problem with australia is, as much as people hate to say it, we dont have a big enough low class, we have a huge middle class, if we could get more people, to work for less money, to produce stuff cheap enough that people wouldnt have to go over seas, part of that is in reducing the cost of living.

4th February 2009, 01:14 PM
and all he hears now is us young kents goin "yeh ya fuggin sik kent ruddy! your shout aye!"

4th February 2009, 01:24 PM
the thing that makes me laugh the most is that everyone voted for him saying howards old and we need young blood, its not like rudd is young for gods sake

4th February 2009, 01:47 PM
even the beers people buy like xxxx and vb and toheys eventually goes back overseas.

the problems lies not the fact that people dont produce from start to finish products in Australia, but nothing is exported to get money back in

4th February 2009, 02:03 PM
Im pretty sure i dont get jack shit cause im unemployed.

The idea is a joke though, no-one will really spend it where they want it to be spent.. i know if i got it the first place id be going would be yahoo auctions...

I think what they should have done, is give people $950 worth of credit for anything that boosts the economy.. services, bills etc(whatever there is that will actually boost the economy)...
rather than just throwing money at them and saying 'here kiddies, play with this...'

Everyones probably going to cop it when tax time comes around too

4th February 2009, 02:09 PM
taking 950 off tax would be better

labour always do this shit, but this time its getting out of hand, i dont even know why keating is hanging around like a bad fucking smell. The egg on his face is rotten.

4th February 2009, 02:44 PM
I can't say this is a real smart move by the government, but like people have said above, there could be shit loads more things they could do with the money.

But what can you do, no complaining for me I think I'll buy the plasma TV I've always wanted. Or more car parts yaaaaay ahhahhaha

Cheers for the shout ey Ruddy

4th February 2009, 02:56 PM
Don't forget, even if you buy imported goods, 10% of the price goes back to the government in GST (thanks, Howard), so what they are doing is not a bad idea. They get a decent return on things at the end of it all, businesses that employ people stay in business, people without money get money, etc etc. Not to mention a huge amount being spent on education and infrastructure (again), which again puts money into businesses, which pays people and keeps them in a job, etc. So at the end of the day, the deficit will return, without the need for loans or anything. GST revenue from last quarter hasn't even been paid to the government yet, and the retailers association reported a massive jump in turn over, which is set to remain now. So the effects of such a package are really yet to be actually counted, but when they do, no doubt it will be fine overall.

Its always the way though in politics, one mob get voted out as the economy starts to slow (and the evidence was there before Rudd was voted in), and the next government cops the flack for something that is ultimately not their fault. For me, this thread is a bit tl;dr, but from what I've heard people saying (not just from here, either), a year in politics is an eternity, and people seem to forget a huge amount in a short space of time. In fact, they seem to forget a lot.

4th February 2009, 03:11 PM
what about 'powered by k-rudd'

or a engine sticker instead of 4age just saying 'rudd'

4th February 2009, 03:11 PM
LOL. Anyone want one of these? 50cm x 4cm. PM me if you do! $5 each posted.

http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/dcimages/6/1/5378.jpg (http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/dcimages/6/1/5378.jpg)

LOL...me thinks u could sell heaps of these... ill take one! (if we get the money)

actually... ill take one anyway..

4th February 2009, 03:41 PM
ill take one.

4th February 2009, 03:50 PM
yeah, is it for all tax payers

4th February 2009, 04:00 PM

will it get through the senate?

4th February 2009, 06:08 PM
hoe not

4th February 2009, 06:14 PM
I hope it gets blocked. $950 isn't a lot and just like the last stimulus package will go to peoples bills, savings rather than a new TV set. I know I won't be spending it on anything that would help the economy... just the way it is for me.

Blowing 42b on a stop gap solution to a rescission we can't avoid putting us into a defecit we won't get out of easily scares me deeply.

Australia is in the best position in the world to avoid all the economic doom-saying that everyone is prediciting, but everyone is spooked and wants something done.

Jonny Rochester
4th February 2009, 06:36 PM
And we thought Pauline Hanson was a nutter for wanting to print more money...

As for getting JDM brand parts, and our ecconomy etc... I think it would be a good idea, to instead of getting parts from Japan at silly prices, get similar items made in Australia. If it's a small part, get a local engineer to make it for you, and get a batch done, create a brand name, and your in business. Everything then gets cheaper for us. If you want to match the japan brands for quality, then just try harder. Look at MoTeC, you can export back to Japan if you try hard enough.

Personaly, I will try and get a 20v RWD water kit ready to sell. Let me know of any other ideas.

4th February 2009, 06:48 PM
I'm not sure that blocking it is a good political move even if it is a responsible one.

Recent history suggests that Labor governments are elected in good times and Liberal ones are sent in to clean up the mess.

In other words, the quicker Rudd bankrupts Australia, the earlier he'll be out and we can begin the rebuild.

But, he won't be out until the general populus hurts. Not many Australians give two shits about a budget deficit..........until their job is gone, inflation sets in, interest rates are eleventy billion percent....

4th February 2009, 07:02 PM
lol eleventy

i hope it gets blocked. $950 is peanuts. sure i would use it (like all money) but it wont effect my life greatly. it will just force our economy downward because only junkies and ae86hachiroku are gonna buy plasmas. i mean only junkies are gonna buy plasmas.

this all seems to be like whats been happening even when howard was in, theyre trying so hard to stop a recession from happeneing during their governments time in power that they will in turn produce an all out depression instead.

4th February 2009, 07:15 PM
LOL. Anyone want one of these? 50cm x 4cm. PM me if you do! $5 each posted.

http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/dcimages/6/1/5378.jpg (http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/dcimages/6/1/5378.jpg)

i Loled. nice sticker.

i for one do not know enough about this topic of if its a good idea or not, so i will not make any input to the topic.

anywhoo... good sticker ! its funny.

4th February 2009, 07:41 PM
your right its not going to do shit and its going to look like a mistake a year or so down the track, but hell im not going to say no to some new rims and tyres...

if only the exchange rate wasnt so fail. i spose well just have ti di what he wants and spend it locally haha

4th February 2009, 07:45 PM
i want ma moneys

ke70 xx
4th February 2009, 08:10 PM
im a first year apprentice and heard only people who have been working full time for twelve months get it????

4th February 2009, 09:12 PM
everyone gets this money ?? or select people ??

for example, 15 year olds working 9 hours per week at ur local mcdnaldz ??

4th February 2009, 09:31 PM
yeh im 15 i have a full time appernticeship doing tool making and cnc machining, but i dont think i will get it cause i havnt worked a full finacial yeh,,,so if not that sucks

4th February 2009, 09:40 PM
I heard you have to be over 18

4th February 2009, 09:44 PM

4th February 2009, 09:49 PM
i hope it passes in the senate, its going straight to a hypergear atr28 for me + 1 of thos sponsored stickers

4th February 2009, 10:03 PM
costello knew it was comming and did as much as he could to get aus into a huge surplus, the biggest its been, and joe blow wasnt doing too bad when he was collecting money for it, now that money could have been used in many more ways, even by just keeping it in the australian bank helps our economy and can keep things in general a little cheaper for us. I just cant get over how rudd can so easily throw 64 billion surplus into 22 billion deficit in just over a year, and people dont care?

4th February 2009, 10:19 PM
because people have no capacity for independent thinking. when questioned upon the matter they just regurgitate the crap they're fed by the media.

4th February 2009, 10:51 PM
bah. i don't think its a bad idea. i don't think anyone realizes that it has already been established that no-one will be receiving tax cuts at the end of the financial year. this sort of cash payout is just a quicker version of a tax cut that puts money in one way or another into the economy.

the payout will work out not much more than 11 billion dollars. so therefor the rest of the cash ,i.e 31 billion will be put into the public sector. this 11 billion will put cash into all different areas of the private sector. <-this is the key to the plan. alot of people on the recieving end will be small businesses. we already have customers that are making bookings for there cars. previously it was "nah i can't afford it yet" to "hopefully this payment goes thru, i'll get it done then"

even if people did use it to pay bills/debt etc, what do you think they will do with the money they now don't have to spend on bills/debt. more than likely they are going to spend it.

eventually the government will receive this back in the long run thru gst so its not like its blowing money away.

shit even if the banks get alot of the money you don't think that they don't invest the money. the more money the banks have and the more money going around gives the banks more confidence to lend money too. lent money gets spent. government recieves gst on money spent.

end of rant. sorry for that

4th February 2009, 10:51 PM
I for one hope it goes through. I'm sick of paying a fuckload of tax and getting nothing. And I really wanna get the scratch on my skyline fixed. Those scumbag leeches that feed off the dole get free moneys, so why can't I once in a while?

5th February 2009, 01:06 AM
as if giving people money wouldnt increase the economy!!

i work in a small reseraunt and when they did the lost money handout a few months ago we noticed a massive increase in customers, sure it only worked for a few weeks but think about it....

for example if my the place i work out gets more customers it means we are making heaps more food, wich means we have to order alot more food, so our suppliers sell alot more wich means they are also selling more wich means they will have more cash at the end of the week as well as my boss does to, so inturn he will spend more on going out on the weekend and spending more money.

i hope that made sense lol

its a snowball effect and it must work because they wouldnt be spending the money on doing it again if it didnt work last time

5th February 2009, 04:23 AM
I for one hope it goes through. I'm sick of paying a fuckload of tax and getting nothing. And I really wanna get the scratch on my skyline fixed. Those scumbag leeches that feed off the dole get free moneys, so why can't I once in a while?

Hey, hey easy their bro i`m sure their are probably a few people on here that would be receiving the dole, i think their are even a couple of pensioners on here. I`m sure they and other people on here would agree that comments like that are totally unwarranted in a forum such as this, in fact i think an apology would be in order to those people you are referring to.
I`m sure some of those "scumbag leeches" your referring to would gladly pay a "fuckload of tax" if they were able to earn as much money as you must be, maybe you would like to swap lives with a pensioner or doley for a while and see what it is like.
peace out.

5th February 2009, 04:58 AM
i don't think ill ever get it, i never got any support from the dole office when i was struggling and my tax are always inquestioned of why i claim clothing (they want me to work in the nude) so fuck the system and fuck this economy oh wait... lolz!! coz my money is goin OS y0!!

5th February 2009, 05:00 AM
nice first post. did you make a new account to stay anonymous as to not face the embarrassment of letting a forum know your a dole bum?

and would you mind telling me exactly why dole bludgers cant go out and get a job???

just because people are degenerates and choose not to work doesn't mean they aren't able to, no one is illegible to work. i been on centrelink for one week and already got a job lined up. probably start before i even receive my first payment.
there are plenty of jobs out there if they got off there ass and stopped watching representations of themselves on jerry springer everyday they'd have a chance of finding one.

pretty sure he said nothing about people on disability pension or aged care benefits etc. so you really need to slow your roll and stop jumping to conclusions.

5th February 2009, 05:40 AM
keep it in your pants guys

5th February 2009, 05:44 AM
nice first post. did you make a new account to stay anonymous as to not face the embarrassment of letting a forum know your a dole bum?

and would you mind telling me exactly why dole bludgers cant go out and get a job???

just because people are degenerates and choose not to work doesn't mean they aren't able to, no one is illegible to work. i been on centrelink for one week and already got a job lined up. probably start before i even receive my first payment.
there are plenty of jobs out there if they got off there ass and stopped watching representations of themselves on jerry springer everyday they'd have a chance of finding one.

pretty sure he said nothing about people on disability pension or aged care benefits etc. so you really need to slow your roll and stop jumping to conclusions.

Thanks for the welcome, and tell me "Sherlock Holmes" just how did you deduce that i was a "dole bum" from that post, oh that`s right you jumped to a conclusion.

I would really like to see if you would show the same sort of ignorant attitude to the thousands of miners that have lost their jobs lately and are probably looking at a stint on the dole, and if you want to know why dole bludgers can`t go and get a job maybe you should ask a few of them instead of "jumping to conclusions"

Oh by the way i`m on the DISABILITY PENSION not the DOLE, so i think you might owe me an apology sunshine, but i won`t hold my breath.

5th February 2009, 05:48 AM
keep it in your pants guys

Sorry dude was my cock hangin out, i wondered why it was taking so long to type this.:DD

5th February 2009, 07:25 AM
i think what the other fagtard was trying to say was that people who choose not to have a job and just sit on the dole cos they are lazy are shit.
anyone on disability, or genuinley having trouble finding work are ok.
oh and how funny is obama's salary cap, take that CEO's!!!

5th February 2009, 11:04 AM
yeh im 15 i have a full time appernticeship doing tool making and cnc machining, but i dont think i will get it cause i havnt worked a full finacial yeh,,,so if not that sucks

Besides you, I can't imagine what 15 year olds in school with a part time job would do with the money if they were eligible to recieve the $$.

Watch as high school kids alcohol/drug related accidents rise.

5th February 2009, 11:07 AM
i think they should of spent the money on a drift track in sydney

something that the whole world can use, i mean, money make money money make?

by all means, good shit, making me x 1xxxxxxxxx happy is helping the country out doesnt it?...let the govenment think whats best for us...thats what they are der for ay?...$950 bucks in my pocket is good enough for me

long story short,......respray for my car if i havnt already got it done, or esle a TV or susspension work xD

5th February 2009, 11:11 AM
Oh by the way i`m on the DISABILITY PENSION not the DOLE, so i think you might owe me an apology sunshine, but i won`t hold my breath.

i heard that before, from an arab i work with hes on a pension at an age of 24, all he had to do was to pretend that he had learning difficulties- a so called scar from iraqi war. having mentioned that excuse, he gets away with bucketloads of savings for his car rego, insurance, and FINANCIAL AID while hes working full time (at a cash at hand lebanese furniture shop) and and working casual 4hours a day in our company.. a complete leech.

since we pay our taxes, mj86 please enlighten us of your situation, we surely like to know our tax cash are put to good use..

coz i myself happen to sacrifice a days pay for the tax. :D

but alas,
welcome to australia! its the land of free-bies/loaders

5th February 2009, 11:46 AM
im on good ole youth allowance, but i work so much i basically get like 13 dollars

5th February 2009, 11:46 AM
i think they should of spent the money on a drift track in sydney

something that the whole world can use, i mean, money make money money make?

let me guess... you just happen to live in sydney? lol.

Gaki and Axentrik just leave the dole/disability situation alone. it is no ones business except for the person involved. they dont need to and shouldnt have to justify themselves to you just because you pay tax. that doesnt make you their boss.

5th February 2009, 11:54 AM
lol...well sydney has pretty lame tracks to drift at...Oran park is ok but still...eastern creek...thats it?...lol...and turn outs arnt that huge as other states im sure...Sydney drivers are all wankers anyways...they'll race u from lights to lights, but as soon as u turn off the free way and head to the maintains...you'll only find a few monkey drivers that actually knows how to drive ther're 15k+ car they just bought

5th February 2009, 11:56 AM
using mine to pay for $900 worth of fines... how fun!

5th February 2009, 12:21 PM
mj86: hey buddy, I'm not having a go at unemployed people on the dole that want and are looking for jobs, I'm talking about people that purely leech off the dole as a way of life, the people who think they deserve charity so they can buy a bag of weed and a bottle of jd's. I've never been on the dole but if I ever was I'd be keen to get a decent job to pay my own way. Hope I havnt offended anybody but I don't think an apology is in order.

5th February 2009, 12:25 PM
didnt plan to sound like that.. but it pains me a fair bit of individuals seems to know how to rort the system "legally".

so fuck paying tax!! :D and support a free market!! so spend that tax cash and buy lots of shit from "parts for sale section"!!

5th February 2009, 01:44 PM
i tend to agree... all these peeps... im not sure what there name or what ever is but u know
they are GIVEN citizenship here and GIVEN 600 per 2 weeks from the govt... how do they repay us... stealing cars and beating up people for MORE money....

screw everything. comunism looks good right about now.

5th February 2009, 02:17 PM
I'm on Youth allowance, but for the first time in my life. I paid my own way since I left high school (including taxes), so I'm happy to get something back from the government to help me while I'm at uni. Sadly enough, pretty much all of the money goes to paying bills etc.

Ironically, I get taxed on my Youth Allowance as well (I set it to 10% to practically guarantee me a tax return). But at the end of the day, I will be happy to receive a bonus, quite happily actually. Means I can get the rust on the 86 fixed up. Now THATS supporting a local business ;)

5th February 2009, 03:19 PM
i cant see how people think this is a bad idea, im sure k rudd got about 20 advisers saying if you do youll get flamed and make the country have a bigger dept or itll work.

and people paying there bills/loans isn't a waste of time because if the banks will get more money so they can loan more. and if they pay there bills off with it, most people will spend there hard earnt money on luxury items like goin out for dinner/holidays. either way people are going to go out and use it and thats what the government wants us to do. even tho most of the money will go overseas, it saves the jobs that the local have and thats the half the problem atm is that heaps of people are lossing there jobs because the overseas companies are goin bust. and people are to scared to spent money because there scared of lossing there job/waiting for rainy day. but for most people this is that rainy day.

hope that makes sense and sorry for the grammar

5th February 2009, 04:17 PM
The reason it won't work is the exact same reason we are in this situation in the first place. People are not spending their money wisely. The government did the same thing just before christmas to urge buyers to spend more. So what happened, the people who got the money wasted it on luxuries and things they didn't need. It's these people that are the reason we are in this mess in the first place. They have an utter reliance on credit to get anything they want. They don't save money to get the things they want, they just use credit then have problems paying it off.

We had a good bunch of years while howard was in power, things were good and everyone thought it would stay like that forever, not many people thought or planned ahead and look where it's landed us.

5th February 2009, 04:40 PM
let me guess... you just happen to live in sydney? lol.

Gaki and Axentrik just leave the dole/disability situation alone. it is no ones business except for the person involved. they dont need to and shouldnt have to justify themselves to you just because you pay tax. that doesnt make you their boss.

Finally someone with a sense of decency, Thank-you Johl on behalf of anyone who`s down on their luck.

Axentric, Gaki86 and Brendan, I can see that you are all young and inexperienced when it comes to real life, so i`ll overlook your nasty attitudes, instead of picking on a section of the community that everyone wants to bury in the ground, you should be greatfull that you are not in their position, although that could change at any time, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

While i`m on the subject, if your a refugee and end up in Australia, the government pays you $500- $600 a week+ rent assistance+ other "goodies" whereas our old age pensioners get a measly $300 a week to live on, and most of them live on their own sound fair? but do you see old age pensioners bullying refugees? no i didn`t think so.

To get back on topic, anyone recieving this so-called gift from the government should be greatfull, but keep in mind the underlying reasons for the "handout"/stimulus package are that we are fast going downhill or so people would have you believe. The fact is that a lot of people are hurting right now, losing jobs/houses so their is going to be shitloads more people on the dole so learn to live with it, or don`t.

5th February 2009, 05:09 PM
No worries Nick, i don`t feel the need to make any more comments on this subject, i don`t think i`ll be getting any goodies this time around anyway, but ey it`s all good, i think it is time the workers in this country get something other than bent over the desk.

5th February 2009, 06:09 PM
hey not shore if we r gettin yet they have been talkin all day bout on the radio its fukin crap if we dont

6th February 2009, 01:42 AM
I don`t know about that, $900 odd dollars isn`t really going to buy you much, and for those thinking of spending it overseas the exchange rate will f**k that idea too, a good cheap tig welder or something along those lines would be appealing to me as you can make more money with something like that, whereas a plasma or lcd tv is just going to make you fatter while watching drift videos until one day you suddenly remember, FUCK!! my car is still sitting in the garage.

6th February 2009, 09:10 AM
whereas a plasma or lcd tv is just going to make you fatter while watching drift videos until one day you suddenly remember, FUCK!! my car is still sitting in the garage.


I would love to get it, cause im dead broke and centrelink think i dont deserve youth allowance, even know im studying fulltime and fit the criteria. This money would make the corolla work

6th February 2009, 10:00 AM
fair enough if ur down on your luck but if u have no intrest in getting a job than thats pathetic. I don't want to upset anybody if they are on the dole and I don't want to come across as an asshole. I may have come across a bit strongly before as it was just after some cunt keyed my car and I wasn't very happy lol.

So if ur out of work and genuinely looking, I'm sorry. But don't go giving me this "you have been warned bullshit" because if I was on the dole I'd be doing something about it.

Anyway, rear quarter respray us most definately what my mulah will be spent on :-)

6th February 2009, 12:59 PM
Well if you don`t want to come across as an "asshole" shut your hole, we get the drift, you don`t like people on the dole but this thread is about the stimulus package so unless you have a genuine grievance against people on the dole (and i doubt that you could) maybe you should build a bridge and get over it, also i fail to see what your car being keyed has to do with either the stimulus package or doley`s, if you are the sort of person who automatically blames doley`s for everything that happens to you then you are a bigger loser than they are.

6th February 2009, 01:15 PM
i scratched your car!!!!, now what?..huh?...

lol just to loosen things up >=]

people complain when they get shit and complain when they dont...make ur minds up...

950bucks = 9 drift practice events u can go to, no who wouldnt want that

6th February 2009, 01:41 PM
beally is on the ball x1000000

6th February 2009, 01:42 PM
mj86 what do u do for a living?

Mr. Rudd is paying for my respray so I'll be giving that coin to a panel beater to boost our economy. Maybe kevin rudd scratched my car so I had to spend money to boost the economy?

Absolute genius.

6th February 2009, 02:14 PM
Well i hope we get it because i just watched tv and it says it has not passed parliment yet so its looking grim now,Stupid politicians ruin everything,Lets boost the econmy with a brand new turbo running one bar hahah.

6th February 2009, 02:22 PM
there is too many variables. so what if your panel beater uses paints/consumables bought from overseas? what then?

i just think that panicking like this to attempt to win back it's people it typical of a labour government

6th February 2009, 02:26 PM
Panic panic

6th February 2009, 02:45 PM
will somebody please think of the children!

6th February 2009, 02:51 PM

6th February 2009, 02:52 PM
its a bad idea, and if you cant see that - then I dont believe your educated enough in the matter... I also believe this is to re-coup his popularity

Personally I dont care, I pay big taxes and get 100% back at the end of the financial year - its not hard to do. Emphasis on the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

This was bound to happen, we've had it too good too long, its about time we tightened our belts and worked to a 'budget'

Spend the money on infarstructure

Beal is generally on the money with each comment

6th February 2009, 02:54 PM

pedo bear always thinks of the children

6th February 2009, 02:54 PM
^^^ turue that but i would like the money but it wont work everyone will pay off bills or just save it,,, the should give out like gift caards so u have to spend it at a shop hehe

6th February 2009, 02:58 PM
its a bad idea, and if you cant see that - then I dont believe your educated enough in the matter... I also believe this is to re-coup his popularity

Personally I dont care, I pay big taxes and get 100% back at the end of the financial year - its not hard to do. Emphasis on the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

This was bound to happen, we've had it too good too long, its about time we tightened our belts and worked to a 'budget'

Spend the money on infarstructure

Beal is generally on the money with each comment

how do u get back 100% of your taxes? i'd love to get back my 12k

6th February 2009, 03:01 PM
:| i would like to get that much in pay

6th February 2009, 03:35 PM
if you worked at maccas, for like 6 hours a day, 4 days a week, at 12 an hour, for 40 weeks of the year, you would almost get 12k

mind you there are alot more efficient ways to get 12k a year, but im just saying

6th February 2009, 04:01 PM
i dont think we as australians really appreciate how finiancially secure we are.

if you have a bank account you are in the top 10% rich people in the world?

if you have money in it...well your even better.

i heard an interview of a not-so financially secure person from malaysia i think it was, and they were asked what they thought about the economic crysis.

there answer was "it doesnt bother me, i just have to worry about getting enough food for tonight's dinner for my kids, tomorrow is another day"

i mean c'mon you think we have it bad?

its crazy how much money we all have, yet some how the economy is rooted, and apparently our financial lives are gonna get worse?

have we ever considered the fact that our financial lives are too good?

unfortunately our whole economy is driven by materialism, its terrible, but its the way it is.

its amazing isnt it....that we as humans have created this thing we call "money", its not a natural resource, it hasn't "Evolved" from anything, we weren't born with it. yet somehow, it is apparently screwing us over?

and mr rudd and his associates reckons that to fix the problem we need to just fuel the materialism? yer sure mate, there's a reason there has been so many recessions before, its because its inevitable! only way its gonna change is to make people hate money, but i dont think thats gonna happen any time soon.

950$ really is bugger all when you think about it, i mean im on 700$ a week as a student engineer, and that equates to around 35k after tax per year. if your on 70/80k per year....950 is gonna feel like even less!

we as humans have this magic ability to enlarge our lifestyles as our pay checks enlarge, to the point where we think we are poor again, then our pay goes up, enlarge lifestyle again...think we are poor...cycle continues....

having said all that, im all for free money, hello brand new 2-way LSD!

6th February 2009, 04:30 PM
im not to proud to accept the money. get back some of that extra money jonny howard and his mates have extracted from me over the years

6th February 2009, 04:31 PM
new motor for shore if we still get the cash

6th February 2009, 04:40 PM
i dont think we as australians really appreciate how finiancially secure we are.

if you have a bank account you are in the top 10% rich people in the world?

if you have money in it...well your even better.

i heard an interview of a not-so financially secure person from malaysia i think it was, and they were asked what they thought about the economic crysis.

there answer was "it doesnt bother me, i just have to worry about getting enough food for tonight's dinner for my kids, tomorrow is another day"

i mean c'mon you think we have it bad?

its crazy how much money we all have, yet some how the economy is rooted, and apparently our financial lives are gonna get worse?

have we ever considered the fact that our financial lives are too good?

unfortunately our whole economy is driven by materialism, its terrible, but its the way it is.

its amazing isnt it....that we as humans have created this thing we call "money", its not a natural resource, it hasn't "Evolved" from anything, we weren't born with it. yet somehow, it is apparently screwing us over?

and mr rudd and his associates reckons that to fix the problem we need to just fuel the materialism? yer sure mate, there's a reason there has been so many recessions before, its because its inevitable! only way its gonna change is to make people hate money, but i dont think thats gonna happen any time soon.

950$ really is bugger all when you think about it, i mean im on 700$ a week as a student engineer, and that equates to around 35k after tax per year. if your on 70/80k per year....950 is gonna feel like even less!

we as humans have this magic ability to enlarge our lifestyles as our pay checks enlarge, to the point where we think we are poor again, then our pay goes up, enlarge lifestyle again...think we are poor...cycle continues....

having said all that, im all for free money, hello brand new 2-way LSD!

I'd have to say I agree with this 110%. We definitely don't have much to whinge about, we have it so much better off than most other countries.

A little off topic, but it frustrates me when we watch the 'news' about some grandma that turned 100, or spent too much on her credit card, or the latest happenings of Britney Spears, whilst at the same time, people at the other end of the world are foraging for staples.

6th February 2009, 05:04 PM
how do u get back 100% of your taxes? i'd love to get back my 12k

Fair question

I bought an investment property in paradise point when I was 18, this is currently negativly geared and reduces my taxable income by 15k a year

This property was recently renovated, I got quantity surveyer to go through it and do up a schedule of depreciation. reno was valued at 110k, therefore I can depreciate that over 10 years, so another 10k off my taxable income.

With my work I have to go to uni, uni degree costs are a tax deduction - another 6-7k a year (includes text books)

I have to drive out to site - so I generally claim around 4-5k in fuel, wear and tear etc... depending on the year and what job im on

Mobile phone, when on site and at uni I have to use my mobile - I claim around a 3rd of my usage

Laptop, I use my laptop for uni and for work on the train - claim all of that

At work I have to wear a certain type of clothes/uniform if you may - claim dry cleaning

I catch the train from work to uni - so I can claim my train tickets

The above adds up to around 45k'ish

My income is around there so I get 100% back, obviously once my income increases I'll have to take additional measures to get my tax back - but nothing another property wont fix, just alittle cautious given the current 'conditions'

Hope that was helpfull Johl

6th February 2009, 08:14 PM
if you worked at maccas, for like 6 hours a day, 4 days a week, at 12 an hour, for 40 weeks of the year, you would almost get 12k

mind you there are alot more efficient ways to get 12k a year, but im just saying

yeh first year apprentace so 750 hour so i get like 13k a year really

6th February 2009, 08:29 PM
Yeah, try and run a house, KIDS, and 2 cars on 50k a year.

6th February 2009, 08:30 PM
wow , im only 15 so meh

7th February 2009, 01:42 AM
i just read every single post in this thread and i cannot believe some peoples uneducated perspectives on what is happening in the world right now. i usually try to tay out of debates like this but come on,

cant see a sign of recession?
take a look at the stock market, your super statement, the value of the dollar, the unemployment rate and the amount of australians loosing their job every week.

employ more people in australia and not overseas? yeah thats fine for small businesses, but what you fail to realize is those major public companies would crumble without the competitiveness achieved by cheap labour and in return leave the thousands of australians they do employ jobless, the australian share holders with no money and further weaken the economy.

"everything would be fixed if there was no money"...."it hasn't evolved from anything"
If the human species was content with ourselves and our surroundings then we would still be living as cavemen. without the "desire for more", ourselves as a race would not grow. its our desire for this that has lead us to create things such as medicine to help us live healthier and longer, and the technology we use everyday. from this currency has evolved to monitor the success of what we do. If there was no such thing as money do you think that people would spend time away from their family and friends working 16 hours a day trying to create a cure for cancer just to get home and see their neighbor sitting on his couch doing nothing, for no personal gain whatsoever?

I hear people all the time saying "companies should do this, do that" but seriously when you take a look at what your saying from a wide perspective instead of a narrow minded point of view you'll soon realise that by doing what your asking will result yourself having less money and probably unemployed.

I cant tell you how we can get out of this recession, but how do you expect me to believe that you can when there are tens of thousands of EXPERTS around the globe working around the clock for solutions, and they still aren't sure?


and i'd like to say that what i have said was in no way ment to personally attack anyone here, and that i hear people saying things like this everyday and im just venting.

7th February 2009, 01:21 PM
http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/1112/harpenisdm6.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

7th February 2009, 01:23 PM
hahaha i need one of hose in sticker format

7th February 2009, 02:25 PM
yeh im a broke arse and my life sucks and i cant see me making it in this world, but except if i had $900 im saved thanx kevin you make everything better.

whats a cock aye, use that money for something decent not feeding lossers addictions.

7th February 2009, 06:05 PM
I love heroin yay

7th February 2009, 06:20 PM
ever looked at a 1 dollar bill?

ever looked at a 1 dollar bill....... on weed?

7th February 2009, 06:27 PM
Use this cash to turbro charge your GE or GZE...buy my turbro kit!

7th February 2009, 06:49 PM
if someone else gets his turbo kit you could buy my longchamps ;)

7th February 2009, 08:27 PM
if someone buys his turbo kit, and someone buys his longchamps, you could buy my exhaust

7th February 2009, 08:32 PM
if some one buys his turbo kit, longchamps and exhaust, invest in clothes. the chicks will love you

7th February 2009, 11:29 PM
Who needs clothes when you have a turbo, longchamps and a sweet exhuast?

8th February 2009, 09:21 AM
Well, if someone buys the turbo, exhaust and wheels, at least you wouldnt be naked

8th February 2009, 07:32 PM
If you call yourself Australian, you will donate this money to these poor buggers in Vic affected by the bushfires...

That's my intention anyway...

8th February 2009, 07:34 PM
what about the floods in north QLD, NT then?

8th February 2009, 07:44 PM
RE: ^^

I will be helping the Nth Qlders when I go up there at the end of the month...

Will be spending plenty in ten days:wub: whilst on Holiday with my wife and kids....

As for helping the economy...most of this money will be spent here in Aus, not on imported toys...

8th February 2009, 08:00 PM
i dont think we as australians really appreciate how finiancially secure we are.

if you have a bank account you are in the top 10% rich people in the world?

if you have money in it...well your even better.

i heard an interview of a not-so financially secure person from malaysia i think it was, and they were asked what they thought about the economic crysis.

there answer was "it doesnt bother me, i just have to worry about getting enough food for tonight's dinner for my kids, tomorrow is another day"

i mean c'mon you think we have it bad?

its crazy how much money we all have, yet some how the economy is rooted, and apparently our financial lives are gonna get worse?

have we ever considered the fact that our financial lives are too good?

unfortunately our whole economy is driven by materialism, its terrible, but its the way it is.

its amazing isnt it....that we as humans have created this thing we call "money", its not a natural resource, it hasn't "Evolved" from anything, we weren't born with it. yet somehow, it is apparently screwing us over?

and mr rudd and his associates reckons that to fix the problem we need to just fuel the materialism? yer sure mate, there's a reason there has been so many recessions before, its because its inevitable! only way its gonna change is to make people hate money, but i dont think thats gonna happen any time soon.

950$ really is bugger all when you think about it, i mean im on 700$ a week as a student engineer, and that equates to around 35k after tax per year. if your on 70/80k per year....950 is gonna feel like even less!

we as humans have this magic ability to enlarge our lifestyles as our pay checks enlarge, to the point where we think we are poor again, then our pay goes up, enlarge lifestyle again...think we are poor...cycle continues....

having said all that, im all for free money, hello brand new 2-way LSD!

i agree with this about 70%.

lifestyle is a problem here.

that bloke in malaysia has it easy. he has a simple life so he lives a simple lifestyle.

try telling a bloke who has lost their job, owes hundereds of thousands on his mortgage and has a family to provide for; that he has it good. he has got less than the guy in malaysia because he owes money. he cant provide for his family or pay off debt because he hasnt got a job.

i bet he wishes he was the guy malaysia. hell, i wish i was the guy in malaysia.

sure there are many people in this country that are ok and are coping, some that are whining that their lifestyle isnt as luxurious as before but there are those whose life has gotten a whole lot worse.

8th February 2009, 08:18 PM
ok does anyone who has an actual clue know whats happening with this?

8th February 2009, 08:24 PM

8th February 2009, 08:34 PM
ok does anyone who has an actual clue know whats happening with this?

Big Kev is diverting this money towards those who deserve it...the Vic bushfire victims and Qld flood victims....

8th February 2009, 08:40 PM
i just hope he doesnt waste it on that too, throwing money doesnt make water drain away, im all for helping people rebuild though.

those people on malaysia, they also have a severe problem with meth and stuff over there and the poor people are poor cause they live for crystal meth.

11th February 2009, 05:33 AM
well lets not get counting on our eggs before they hatch, as it may not happen at all...

so for now its just a play :P

13th February 2009, 04:25 PM
i dont care bout all the politics involved i just want cash to do shit to my car gimme gimme gimme

13th February 2009, 04:43 PM
heard on the news at lunch that it got passed today. dont know if money figures are gonna be the same but its definately going through in one way or another

13th February 2009, 08:37 PM
yeh it got passed.
but its 900 now not 950.

13th February 2009, 09:16 PM
not much difference

13th February 2009, 09:20 PM
will i get it?? i have a job now that needs me to have a tax file number but it's only one day a week so i'll only make around 100 a week.. will i get bonus?? i googled but to no avail

13th February 2009, 09:30 PM
pretty sure its all done on if you filed a tax return for the last financial year

13th February 2009, 09:31 PM
nah, only just recently got this job, damn, oh well thanks man

13th February 2009, 09:44 PM
pay off debts and 4age one of my ke70s :D

13th February 2009, 09:50 PM
buy a new car yay

14th February 2009, 04:22 AM
getting a 4age small port X_X

14th February 2009, 10:21 AM
finish my car :D

16th February 2009, 03:47 PM

16th February 2009, 04:05 PM
the world is just full of fucking greed.

It made me laugh so hard when it looked like this wasnt going to happen, people just want fucking money because its SOOOO hard to live at the moment..
I can only afford to get drunk 1 night this week and get take away 4 times :(

People dont know how to make sacrifices.

16th February 2009, 04:19 PM
buy less crack?

16th February 2009, 04:33 PM
smoke crushed panadol? 5 bucks a box.

16th February 2009, 05:14 PM
why would you bother getting a job? get yourself on a sickness pension. just say you have chronic fatigue or depression. then get yourself into public housing . i know a few people who have been doing it for like twenty years now. you get the thousand bucks from a few months back and this new one.

16th February 2009, 05:21 PM
There the people i call scum of the earth..They have every opportunity to earn them selfs a good living but chose to bludge of others tax.. Like the lady on the train the other day complaining about not getting the $950 as she doesnt bother working.. Then she calls here self an australian still and rekons she deserves it.If i was prime minister i would F@$k off al the unemployed doll bludgers

why would you bother getting a job? get yourself on a sickness pension. just say you have chronic fatigue or depression. then get yourself into public housing . i know a few people who have been doing it for like twenty years now. you get the thousand bucks from a few months back and this new one.

16th February 2009, 05:44 PM
try deciding who needs it and who doesnt, not easy, thats why the system gets raped by dishonest people.

oh and yes people do smoke crushed panadol, gets you loose as a goose apparently.
dunno anyone dumb enough to have tried it though.

16th February 2009, 06:03 PM
i told some one to get a job once, they replied by saying "why should i get a job when i get paid to look for one", fkn dickheads, ppl like that who are gonna get the bonus, when they dont deserve it

16th February 2009, 06:16 PM
so when are we all gettin it

16th February 2009, 06:26 PM
Amen to that

i told some one to get a job once, they replied by saying "why should i get a job when i get paid to look for one", fkn dickheads, ppl like that who are gonna get the bonus, when they dont deserve it

16th February 2009, 06:33 PM
I recently got left go at my job, so wont be getting it.
So im doing freelance now. Will i get it if i have an ABN ?

16th February 2009, 06:37 PM
if you have an abn number you will pay tax so yes

16th February 2009, 06:40 PM
Well depends, I havent taken on any jobs yet,so havnt paid any taxes yet.
But i do have one since im getting started again.

16th February 2009, 06:42 PM
it will go off last financial year so if you worked and earnt over 15-20g + paid taxes yes

16th February 2009, 06:43 PM
Ohhh nice, should keep me going for little bit.
I know i wont spend it to stimulate economy, be spent on rent lol

16th February 2009, 08:20 PM
rent goes into an australians pocket, who spends money, on a chinese product, so it stimulates it for about .02 of a second.

Fucking stupid idea, stupid labour.

17th February 2009, 02:34 PM
why dont you open a political thread driftke70?

17th February 2009, 02:39 PM
ur in one.....

17th February 2009, 02:55 PM
i told some one to get a job once, they replied by saying "why should i get a job when i get paid to look for one", fkn dickheads, ppl like that who are gonna get the bonus, when they dont deserve it

cause thats, like it or not, part of the australian way. has been for decades.

and before anyone gets all emotional baggage about that, they need to know that we are pretty much the laziest country (employment wise) there is. its a fact. look @ germany and most of europe, super efficient workforce, not third-world by any stretch, breed good work ethic due to political stances against unemployment among other things. Australians have a documented history of taking more 'sickies' than multiple european countries combined. whom have higher populations that us.

the 'why work for it when you can get it for free' motto is lived by here alot.

but, my question is - why should we who support ourselves successfully, be forced to support those that won't willfully support themselves?

17th February 2009, 03:12 PM
not to mention we have the highest hours per capita of any nation in the world, because noone ever does any work, instead of employing some dude for 3 days a week, and paying him for three days, it takes 6 days, and weekend pay, and the owner of the business doenst make a profit, then the business doesnt expand and goes down, and only the big places that get large quantities of customers can survive.

Not to mention the fact that every council in Australia is so anti textile manufacturing its not funny. Thats why everything is imported in the first place.

Solution is to lower the cost of living significantly, lower wages for working class. Lower wages, less tax, same quality of life. Greater production of textile industries, less importation, greater economy and stability.

17th February 2009, 04:23 PM
maybe its a good thing we stimulate the chinese economy tho.... the better they go, alot more of some imports they will have

like america for example just sent back 40 odd Riviera Cruisers..... cause nobody was buying them... now cause they are in shit, Riviera is in shit, meaning the employees are in shit.
another boat seller (sunseeker) has gone broke on our east coast and now everything is sold out of a perth dealer.......

still helps us to help others (eg china who will help us and the US)

that being said.... i would rather help ourselves in a more direct manner.... so BUY AUSSIE with your cash handout.

17th February 2009, 05:14 PM
textiles? seriously? how would you expect anyone to compete with chinese slave labour? businesses are there to make money. but not just make money but also to increase profits. their number one responsibility is to their share holders. not to any specific country. if they can make more money buy producing goods off shore then thats what they will do.

17th February 2009, 06:23 PM
maybe its a good thing we stimulate the chinese economy tho.... the better they go, alot more of some imports they will have

like america for example just sent back 40 odd Riviera Cruisers..... cause nobody was buying them... now cause they are in shit, Riviera is in shit, meaning the employees are in shit.
another boat seller (sunseeker) has gone broke on our east coast and now everything is sold out of a perth dealer.......

still helps us to help others (eg china who will help us and the US)

that being said.... i would rather help ourselves in a more direct manner.... so BUY AUSSIE with your cash handout.

yeah but we're not trying to boost their economy, we have our own shit to look after before anyone else

but sadly, really, the only ones that COULD benefit from labour cost increases, is the lower socio-economic countries doing cheap labour, therefore their employment rates will be booming, business (even as cheap as it is) is increasing exponentially while we just sit back and become consumers.

we're playing the game wrong

i think unemployed people should be forced into a work for the (cut down) dole. if not, they don't get anything. period. and the government HAS to enforce it, not like they tried to years ago when every cunt could just not go to work and still bank the loot anyway

17th February 2009, 08:47 PM
its funny how if you work in the mines, you have to do a drug screen for every pay check, but you dont for the doll.

in regards to having to compete with chinese slave labour, i outlined that in my post, cheaper cost of living, lower wages. Not EVERYTHING is made in china, there are markets in Australia where products are needed, and other countries dont have the ability to make less quantities of a smaller production. This is why there is an industry in australia, and every other country in the world other than china. Hence the reason china makes cars, but you dont drive one. Just because they make stuff cheaper doesnt mean its what everyone uses.

What is important to note, is that its not necessarily competing either.

Not every business has the opportunity to move production offshore, sometimes its just not viable. Things like delays, shipping costs, inability to meet specific demands of customers (im not talking quantity). It all adds up, you dont get your maccy d hamburgers imported from china do you?

17th February 2009, 10:39 PM
we do get motorbikes from china. because they are cheap. i believe the time will come when we get cars from there too. but we subsidize our inefficiant car makes to the tune of tens of millions of dollars a year and put an excise on foreign cars to make ours more competitive with them

i understand what you say about the stuff coming from china having problems too. the company i work for hunter douglas is a multinational. and we get stuff from china which is a complete pain. takes like eight weeks to get here. our products used to be made here but someone high up decided it would be cheaper coming from china even if it does take much longer.

oh and maccas orange juice comes from brazil. because it is cheaper. yet here on the central coast where i live they bury tons of oranges because if they try to sell them all the price would fall too much

18th February 2009, 02:32 AM
free roll cage....yeaaaahhhhhhhhh:))

18th February 2009, 04:16 AM
So much hate some of you need to stop sucking your own dicks, because more than likely some of you will end up on the dole soon, if you have looked at the job sections of the paper you will know what i mean, but hey if you want to sit there and dream about a perfect world with 100% employment go ahead it will be a long sleep, it will never happen.

If you all think you can do better than Rudd or whoever else happens to be in power then maybe you should put your fuckin hand up instead of being the hecklers.

Beally, not having a go at you mate but the reason they have drug testing at the mines is for safety, they are a dangerous place to be and i am sure i would not want someone who has just had a spliff or an eky or even just hungover working next to me or my brother who works there.

I am on the disability pension, the reason i am on it is not up for discussion by anybody it is my business, you have no right to judge anybody that is on it and i will wager that most of you would not be so brave if you were face to face with someone that has lost there job and is on the dole, so give it a break fellas, oh and by the way i did 8 months of roofing last year the only reason i am not doing it now is because the bloke i worked for went broke(did not pay his taxes either), so not all business owners are honest upstanding citizens either, i paid my taxes and declared my earnings

PS I think this thread should be locked due to some of the obviously discriminatory posts.

18th February 2009, 07:18 AM
i feel your taking to most irrelevent parts of this thread.

18th February 2009, 07:46 AM
did anyone say anything about being on the dole is bad? no
they were all saying that STAYING on the dole, and not even TRYING to get a job is shit and it is, i was on the dole for 2 weeks before i found a job so if i can do it anyone can.
read the posts properly next time.

19th February 2009, 12:43 PM
I have read the posts mate and most of you come across as a pack of whinging girls, i`ll even wager that half of you that are carrying on about Rudd probably voted for him, otherwise how did he get to be prime minister. Just because some people on here are going to university does not make you geniuses or guarantee you employment for the rest of your life, there are no guarantees and i`ve seen shitloads of "university students" at the dole office over the years and why is that because the taxpayer is funding their "university" course/s.

did anyone say anything about being on the dole is bad? no
they were all saying that STAYING on the dole, and not even TRYING to get a job is shit and it is, i was on the dole for 2 weeks before i found a job so if i can do it anyone can.
read the posts properly next time.

My hero, do you want a medal.

I thought this thread was about the stimulus package, not about the dole or who is on it so why does it look like you are just looking for someone to blame for the current problem with the economy. It is too easy to sling some arrows at someone who you think is beneath you and can`t fight back is it not

i feel your taking to most irrelevent parts of this thread.

This whole thread has become irrelevent.

19th February 2009, 12:53 PM
MJ86 = ban.

19th February 2009, 12:56 PM
yeah but we're not trying to boost their economy, we have our own shit to look after before anyone else

but sadly, really, the only ones that COULD benefit from labour cost increases, is the lower socio-economic countries doing cheap labour, therefore their employment rates will be booming, business (even as cheap as it is) is increasing exponentially while we just sit back and become consumers.

we're playing the game wrong

i think unemployed people should be forced into a work for the (cut down) dole. if not, they don't get anything. period. and the government HAS to enforce it, not like they tried to years ago when every cunt could just not go to work and still bank the loot anyway

So mate, all us "cunts" that should work for the (cut down) dole are we going to be entitled to a (cut down) rent or do we just get to live in the gutter ?.

19th February 2009, 12:58 PM
Be a little more conservative mate, you seem to be over stepping the mark a little.

Firstly, Not every university student has that attitude, I have worked full time while studying full time, for a fairly long time, its not even really an issue. Average aus study, ranges from about 90 dollars a week, to 110 dollars a week, rent assist adds 40 - 60 dollars on top of that. My hecs debt is in the region of 14k, My uni books and stuff cost me around 500 a year,

there are no guarantees and i`ve seen shitloads of "university students" at the dole office over the years and why is that because the taxpayer is funding their "university" course/s.

do the maths, douche.

Dont take your anger of the world out on other people who have an opinion, and opinion they formed for themselves. 90% of people on the doll are in no great hurry to get off it, cheat the system and are basically free lance hobos. You might not be one of those 90%, noone ever said YOU were, but the more you talk about it, the more you make it an issue, the MORE you fall into that 90% bracket.

i`ll even wager that half of you that are carrying on about Rudd probably voted for him, otherwise how did he get to be prime minister.

Rudd got in because australia is a middle class society, and he aimed him campain justly, I voted liberal, there are in the region of 2k users on this forum, if everyone of us voted labour, but that was changed to liberal, it still wouldnt of made a difference. People who dont follow the information or actively research in politics voted for labour, and people who were to lazy to care voted for greens, which ends up in labours ballet.

I have read the posts mate and most of you come across as a pack of whinging girls

Everybody is putting facts and information and opinions on the table, you are putting emotions on the table, I know what is more feminine.

19th February 2009, 01:02 PM
MJ86 = ban.

Banned for what mate, having an opinion, giving a f**k about people that are doing it tough, should we ban people that have racist avatars as well, how about people that call other people c**ts on here.

People who live in glass houses should not throw stones mate.