View Full Version : Blue Slip

4th February 2009, 11:47 AM
Just wondering does anyone know the checklist for getting the blueslip in NSW? im not sure if my car will pass. cheers

4th February 2009, 10:02 PM
Basically, car must be bog stock.

No diff leaks
No torn boots
No apparent rust
etc etc

If you think it might not pass then it probably wont.

My AE71 was totally flawless on all the important parts (seals, boots, shocks, captive springs etc etc). But they raped me hard on rims (figured I'd try my luck, they are only 14 x 6.5 +15 SSR meshies but still got hammered on them). Said the suspension was too low (not even tucking rims anywhere) and above 100mm. Exhaust too loud (granted I even thought it was). And told me to get my 4AGE engineered (after having told me before the inspection that I didn't need to get it engineered because it was the same capacity)....

So after all that, I'm just gunna find another place without a pole up there ass change a few things and the car will be on the road. You are allowed to go wherever you want at any time with a blue slip, so if one place fails you, you can just look for a better place.

What do you think they'll do you for?

4th February 2009, 11:56 PM
blueslips are pretty tough regardless of where you go these days.
try your luck i guess, i found that it helps if you keep everything clean and tidy.
the only requirements on suspension are that the lowest point must clear 100mm, so i dunno what they were on about there.

5th February 2009, 11:31 AM
cheers guys.
i think ill try my luck.
only worry is the 4age engineered part. hope they wont be as anal as that.
as for exhaust...im pretty sure my car is under 90db.
ill see what happens....

5th February 2009, 11:41 AM
what if your horn doesnt work :D, i just dropped my car off completely stock except for 15x6 wheels with new rubber, but the horn doesn't work.. but then again, when i bought my car the horn didn't work and it passed a roady.

Edit: I forgot to put the spare wheel in O.O

mini bus
5th February 2009, 11:43 AM
if your in sydney
give a PM to Paul sexy16
he can get you one and get it on the road

6th February 2009, 11:04 AM
if your in sydney
give a PM to Paul sexy16
he can get you one and get it on the road

yes it is true!
picked up some parts off paul, the guy that works next to him does blueslips.
my exhaust is too loud, passed. top bloke

7th February 2009, 01:05 PM
hahaha you serious? what a top bloke!
well ive booked in on thursday at some workshop near my place, should be fine. but if they're anal ill be sure to pm him. ahha
cheers :thumbup: