View Full Version : 4age bigport big end bearing clearances

24th August 2010, 11:18 PM
Can anyone tell me what the 4age bigport big end bearing clearances are ?

and torque setting for caps


25th August 2010, 01:05 AM

First link. Somewhere in there.
Read the manual like everyone else.

25th August 2010, 01:42 AM
Read the manual like everyone else.

rude much

25th August 2010, 10:52 AM
rude much

chill winston

the manual is the only way anyone is going to find out and no-one is going to look it up for you. it won't take long to find it and you will forever have the manual for future reference.

25th August 2010, 04:21 PM
Woah, I just gave you the answer and you're complaining? Like timbo said, once you look in the manual, everything's there and you'll never have to ask another question.

I could have told you it's 36 and 44ft.lb (rods and crank) off the top of my head, but I wasn't sure and couldn't be bothered looking it up for you. It's YOUR engine, YOU should be putting in the work, not me.

Apologies though, the engine manual is in the link but not the first like I said.