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View Full Version : SA: FS AE70 Hardtop Coupe

6th September 2010, 08:15 AM
OK, time has come for me to get out the scene, "grow up" as it has been put, so up for sale is my AE70 hardtop coupe. Part way through a 4age conversion, so not a running car

For sale: 1983 AE70 Hardtop Coupe

Location: Adelaide, SA

Asking Price: $1500


Manual or Automatic transmission: currently no gearbox, was auto, have a pedal box and clutch master, hard line and slave to go with the car

Engine Type: 4age

Condition: ill be honest, its not in the greatest of condition, inside the boot is fairly rusted, the rest of the panels and shell are straight and fairly rust free

Modifications: cut rear springs, KYB short strokes in the rear, front is cut standard with some different control arms, unsure on what type they are but its repping about 1.5deg neg

Complianced/Engineered: comes with plates

Road Worth Certificate: N/A

Registration: rego ran out years ago, but the plates are still regoable without a trip through regency

Crash History: unknown

Other Comment's about the vehicle: you want JDM, well heres your chance CHEAP, rear section of carpet is not there, nor is the passenger seat... ALSO PLEASE NOTE THE HEADLIGHTS HAVE BEEN SOLD

Contact: Fish on 044 777 6296

any questions just ask



6th September 2010, 01:45 PM
mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn....im in brisbane. im seriously thinking of making the mission

6th September 2010, 04:23 PM
Shit man finish this dont sell

8th September 2010, 05:03 AM
b-b-bump it up

9th September 2010, 07:43 PM
wow...suprisingly little interest in this...

R&D Mechanical
9th September 2010, 10:13 PM
Are you for real? thats cheap as! and the motor is in it too? i would get this if i had a house already!

10th September 2010, 12:08 AM
engine is all mounted up, you just need a few things to get it running

10th September 2010, 08:25 AM
haha thats my old engine :) i miss that thing

10th September 2010, 09:05 AM
Fusion should buy this for parts now he has the minter. Come one ross, what if you ding the white one, you will struggle to find all the bits. Should be able to source the headlights you need to go with it up here in QLD if that helps the sale.

10th September 2010, 11:40 AM

11th September 2010, 05:10 PM
Sold to the clarke posse