View Full Version : Another Stupid Question.... (Weber related)

4th October 2010, 10:33 PM
Car - ke70

motor - 4ac

use - fence

problem - carby isn't bolted in

occurs/started when - I decided to go in the direction of the weber

So I bought a weber and adaptor plate put it together and found the studs provided are not long enough to bolt the weber on...Fail
In the mean time while I was bored I glued it all together with gasket glue. And behold she runs!

So 2 Questions here:
a) How long will it last with gasket glue holding it together ? (and yes there is alot of it on there)
b) where can I buy longer studs to suit? (note: 1 of the studs needs to be "kinked" to fit through the adaptor plate)

5th October 2010, 01:24 AM
a) not long if you're driving it

b) I would head to a fastener place.