View Full Version : Bigport down draft setup

24th December 2010, 08:14 PM
Hey guys I'm looking at building a 4age bigport for my ke70 and I want to run a single carb setup with dizzy, has this been done ? Does anyone know whereto get manifOld from? Any help would be great, I also have a fairly big Toyota supercharger and was think of running a blOw through setup anyone done this or know how to go about it ? Thanks :)

24th December 2010, 08:45 PM
Whats wrong with efi? Could probably order a manifold from a v8 workshop as they have redline catalogs, I would think it would also be easier to stay with efi if your going supercharger.

24th December 2010, 08:58 PM
My uncle has a workshop and he is pushing me towards carb I tend to like it too he has resources and knowledge for that aswell

24th December 2010, 09:06 PM
Fair enough, may aswell go twin sidedrafts if your going carby.

25th December 2010, 12:37 PM
Single carb set up with distributor.....is your uncle about 70 years old?

25th December 2010, 03:21 PM
Blow thru turbo/ charger is a pain to get right, + you need the right carb for the job and most are for v8's or you need to make a box for the carb...... Should go efi cos it will cost less in the long run and run better. I tried with a corona ended in fail (d'-' )

25th December 2010, 05:50 PM
haha hes around 50 lol we talked today and are probably going to go twin side draft instead,

Andy San
27th December 2010, 01:03 PM
Why not just get an aftermarket ecu for it and wire that in? You're taking a massive backwards step by going to a carby setup. Will cost you more to get twin carbies a dizzy and coil setup to operate it all, plus a shitload of effort to get it working, when the most basic aftermarket ecu could have the whole thing running in a couple of days if you wanted.

Sorry to sound negative, but just because old guys know carbies doesn't mean it makes it cheaper in the long term :P