View Full Version : best way to mount a oil cooler

12th January 2011, 09:10 AM
i was wondering what is the best way to mount an oil cooler.

like this: (stolen from keimeir's build thread)
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs800.ash1/169021_10150160900338378_533003377_8465541_6245817 _n.jpg

but i was thinking half the cooler will go to waste as its covered by the bumper, but every one does it?

i like the way motorfix have theirs across the grill on the cream wagon, as its fully exposed to the airflow.

i would like to add one i'm i'm using is a simple tube and fin using the sstd fwdd smallport sandwhich plate(no thermostat) and the drain to the sump.

all help appreciated.

12th January 2011, 10:39 AM

this is like how i was thinking, simmilar sized to mine, mines just not as wide.

12th January 2011, 10:50 AM
and has anyone had aany oil peasure problems with using a oil cooler?

12th January 2011, 12:56 PM
you going to run thermastat so if only run to the cooler when the oil is actually hot???

12th January 2011, 01:17 PM
if he's using the standard sandwich plate then as far as i know it has a pressure valve in it and only flows when a certain pressure is reached, so it doesn't flow all the time.
I've got mine mounted the same as the top picture and i haven't had a problem in two years, though i haven't had a pressure or temp gauge on it.
pretty sure that the ones on the other cars are rx7 coolers.

12th January 2011, 01:24 PM
like this.



12th January 2011, 01:25 PM
might copy yours cerby :)

12th January 2011, 03:12 PM
cool, all i did was bolt a piece of flat across the radiator opening and then bolted a couple of bent aluminium flat onto that brace and the lower rad support then bolted the cooler to that. I did look at the rx7 coolers first but i got this other one cheap. to be honest if your not planning on going turbo later I would try and find a rx7 one cos i reckon they look the best :P

12th January 2011, 03:33 PM
The only flaw in the setup is only half the core is getting direct airflow, the rest is not.
The oil cooler works by "trapping" the relative airflow between the cores via the cooling fins and carrying away excess heat.
if the airflow is blocked then the core really cant do its job because the air cant carry the heat away.

Any cooling device needs to be mounted with direct or ducted airflow straight thru the core for maximum efficiency.

12th January 2011, 03:42 PM
i dont know how much room is behind the cooler - but you could always get a small thermo fan from a motorbike and make a shroud for it

12th January 2011, 05:57 PM
in those motorfix cars they arn't running bumpers. what if they had bumpers on would those oil coolers effect the cooling of the radiator?

12th January 2011, 05:59 PM
like this.



isnt that just a spacer?

12th January 2011, 06:10 PM
i think it might be sam-q but if anyone knows of the sandwich plate i'm sure its you.

standered on ae92 sx model with the small port 4age.

12th January 2011, 06:10 PM
The only flaw in the setup is only half the core is getting direct airflow, the rest is not.
The oil cooler works by "trapping" the relative airflow between the cores via the cooling fins and carrying away excess heat.
if the airflow is blocked then the core really cant do its job because the air cant carry the heat away.

Any cooling device needs to be mounted with direct or ducted airflow straight thru the core for maximum efficiency.

yeah but in reality how efficient does it need to be?
I mean Im running a cooler twice the size of the standard one, on a mostly standard motor, thats running a much larger radiator, in a much more open engine bay. Also where is the standard oil cooler mounted on an ae92?
Yes a part of the air is cut off. Im sure i should really mount it a foot above the roof with a thermo fan that switches on whenever i get below 150 km/h. :P
but i think people need to be a bit realistic. Half the people on here would say its not getting enough air flow so it won't cool enough, another half would say oh noes your not using a thermostatic sandwich plate so its going to cool to much, and the last half would say both those things in the same breath and then spontaneously combust.
Personally I'm just going to say it's what the manufacturers did, its what a fair number of people who actually run them do, and its what worked for the last two years on my setup so why stress hahaha

12th January 2011, 06:11 PM
but that picture is simmilar to what it looks like. i'll do more seaching for a better pic.

12th January 2011, 06:13 PM
yes I know the one, if i have it around I will take a pic. I like the look of the 5sfe heat exchanger myself

12th January 2011, 06:22 PM
5sfe heat exchanger?

can you post pics of both?

12th January 2011, 06:28 PM
is that like a waater cooled one like on a subie?

12th January 2011, 06:29 PM
I will take some pics later if I can. It's completely different in the fact it's a water over oil heat exchanger. It's plumbed into place much like the heater core and should in theory not only make the oil heat up quicker but cool it when needed as well. I would assume when looking at it that it would only have a moderate cooling effect though.

12th January 2011, 06:33 PM
is that like a waater cooled one like on a subie?

yes I think I remember seeing one of them when I was under the boss's WRX

12th January 2011, 06:38 PM
yeah but in reality how efficient does it need to be?
I mean Im running a cooler twice the size of the standard one, on a mostly standard motor, thats running a much larger radiator, in a much more open engine bay. Also where is the standard oil cooler mounted on an ae92?
Yes a part of the air is cut off. Im sure i should really mount it a foot above the roof with a thermo fan that switches on whenever i get below 150 km/h. :P
but i think people need to be a bit realistic. Half the people on here would say its not getting enough air flow so it won't cool enough, another half would say oh noes your not using a thermostatic sandwich plate so its going to cool to much, and the last half would say both those things in the same breath and then spontaneously combust.
Personally I'm just going to say it's what the manufacturers did, its what a fair number of people who actually run them do, and its what worked for the last two years on my setup so why stress hahaha

Im sure you could mount it on the roof, maybe you can start the new JDM trend YO!
There is really no point of changing to a bigger aftermarket one if your not needing its potential?
I never said it wont cool enough, i said its not efficient.
Not everything manufactures do is right.. after all, why do we spend our lives going about ripping out and changing up what they have done?

12th January 2011, 07:40 PM
Half the people on here would say its not getting enough air flow so it won't cool enough, another half would say oh noes your not using a thermostatic sandwich plate so its going to cool to much, and the last half would say both those things in the same breath and then spontaneously combust.


Mine is mounted like the first pic, but on the RHS. I have cut a few holes in the bumper. It works fine.

12th January 2011, 09:41 PM
here is a crap pic, the 5sfe one is the one on the left, the block side shown


12th January 2011, 10:01 PM
Im sure you could mount it on the roof, maybe you can start the new JDM trend YO!
There is really no point of changing to a bigger aftermarket one if your not needing its potential?
I never said it wont cool enough, i said its not efficient.
Not everything manufactures do is right.. after all, why do we spend our lives going about ripping out and changing up what they have done?

Looks like they're already halfway there!! hahaha

Seriously though i wasn't having a go at you more just a bit of a dig at how it doesn't matter how you do anything on here someone will always find something to pick at about it.
For example: two minutes ago an oil cooler that is behind a bumper bar (in the stock position) wasn't "efficient" enough and now putting a bigger cooler (which would surely make up for the inefficiency) is pointless.

to be honest the only reason why i swapped to a bigger aftermarket cooler was the cooler in the ae92 donor car was wrecked, and it was easier to find an aftermarket one than another stock one.

Also its shiny and blue and I want to be a cool kid!! LOL

12th January 2011, 11:21 PM
sam-q to be honest i dont really like the watter cooled ones, rather stick with air cooled.

exactly what cerby 86 sayed, its almost impossipal to find a ae92 oil cooler without all the fins fucked, hence going bigger aftermarket.

remember people i was just asking bout where to mount the cooler, not wether one is nessary or not!

12th January 2011, 11:29 PM
I can understand that, a bit of plumbing involved.

12th January 2011, 11:34 PM
thats exactly the reason why.

13th January 2011, 07:34 AM
i dont think you should be too worried about where the oil cooler is mounted, if you think about any cars radiator position, a majority of airflow is indirect anyhow, best thing to do is make it ducted as airflow can more easily go around the cooler. think for example the position of a stock nissan silvias intercooler - behind the duct in the front bumper so its like a funnel feeding air in. can even hide the oil cooler behind the bumper then and have a cold air pipe feeding it like a cold air induction on an air filter

13th January 2011, 07:39 AM
now we're thinking, thats not a bad idea.

13th January 2011, 09:25 AM
yeah Cerby dont get me wrong im not having a go, i just like to not talk much and get to the point (sometimes sounds rude) but its not really.
Seriously If you think about the radiator its in the best position possible for its size. it cant really go anywhere else.
What i was going to say but Spoon beat me to it is, make up a Duct/scoop to grab the air from under the front bar up to the core. (just saying what i would do if it were mine in the same position)
in the end ,radiators, oil coolers, trans coolers wont work unless they have good airflow across the whole core.
Again dont get me wrong i never said oil coolers are not necessary, They are if your doing some spirited driving or track work. ;)

13th January 2011, 10:41 AM
I don't know how not to drive "spiritedly" and track days is on the cards hence why I decided to get one :)

I ended up putting it across the grill as mine is to long (LOL) to go up and down and hangs below everything.

I'll throw up some pictures of what I did tonight.

13th January 2011, 10:49 AM
Sounds like a much better idea!! Nice work.
Look foward to pics ;)

13th January 2011, 04:20 PM
lol yeah i live on a targa stage so most of my driving is "spirited" hahah

13th January 2011, 05:14 PM


i will trim and paint the brackets eventually.

13th January 2011, 05:21 PM
i will trim and paint the brackets eventually.

no you won't :))

13th January 2011, 05:26 PM
lol you right i though about it today then thought fuck it. when i take it off to put the hoses on i might, but no garrentee

13th January 2011, 05:55 PM
just squirt a bit of black rustnot on em and be done with it.