View Full Version : wtb.GO KART adelaide

12th February 2009, 10:54 PM
didny know where to post this so i thought here as its the wanted section.
but anyway, im looking for a go kart frame with steering and wheels. whatever else comes with that is a bonus.
will pay cashola on pick up.
cheaper the better dont really care about condition but show me what youve got cheers.

13th February 2009, 06:36 PM
Have an frame which has steering column and floor pan but that's it. If you know anybody in NSW who can pick it up on their way to Adelaide its yours for $50.

13th February 2009, 06:58 PM
ahh maybe in june, how close are you to hay?

13th February 2009, 07:10 PM
According to Google maps:
667 km – about 8 hours 11 mins

So not exactly close, it'll more than likely still be here in June though, I mean its been at my house for 3 years now lol.