View Full Version : My Saturday night...

22nd February 2009, 10:54 AM
My night (because I wanted to tell it)
So I was going to go out with my girlfriend tonight. I wait till like 11 & say "where are you?" she said she had to spend time with her mum so I say fair enough. I met some friends at a bar and after a while I notice she's sitting pretty much right behind me talking to some guys. Then she sends another message saying she has to sleep at her mums. I send a message along the lines of "having fun at the bar?"

She comes over, says sorry then goes back to her friends table. Later her friend comes over and says the guy shes talking to is her ex. So by now my night is not so happy. We don't talk and she goes home after a while, later my friends go home so I start walking home, which is like 500 metres down the road.
So I'm just out of sight of the bar and these 2 guys come up behind me and start punching me in the head and get a few kicks in the ribs in. I have no idea what's going on. When I get a chance to step back I see it's the ex and a friend. There are like other 5 friends standing around watching so I run down the road back to the bar, sit there for a while then go home. My phone fell out of my pocket and I guess they took that after I left cause it wasn't there when I went back.

I'm pretty much fine except for bruised ribs and a big cut on my forehead that's been slowly bleeding for the last 5 hours (unless it stopped since I looked last). It looks like it might need stitches so I've been staying awake waiting for my friend to get up so her mum who's a nurse can look at it (where I am I'd have to pay for the hospital and I'm broke so a free nurse is good).

I know it sounds wankerish but I'd really like to get the guys number and fight him one on one. I really hate guys that gang bash people and don't give them any chance to fight back then think they're tough shit. But I'm not going to do anything cause I'd be paranoid about getting knifed in the back one dark night.

So that was pretty much my Saturday night. Good times.

22nd February 2009, 11:41 AM
BL lad. it happens

22nd February 2009, 12:15 PM
Yo, that's fucked. Did your girl say something to them for this to happen, or they were just jealous? Could have ended up alot worse though. Go burn his house down.

Whats the lowdown on you and the girl? How long have yous two been together?

Where was this?


22nd February 2009, 12:23 PM
get rid of that girl, i dunno about you but i wouldnt trust her again.

Just say to the dude if he has any balls he would fight you 1 on 1.

22nd February 2009, 12:28 PM
fuck the lying slut

22nd February 2009, 12:33 PM
get rid of that girl, i dunno about you but i wouldnt trust her again.

Just say to the dude if he has any balls he would fight you 1 on 1.

doesnt look like that happens these days any more...

if no one else can fight fairly these days, take it under your own and take to his knees with a breaker bar

22nd February 2009, 12:33 PM
yea thats fucked up man jealous little cocksucker, and the fact they fight in numbers,
+1 for giving her the flick id spit on people that backstab u n say their somewhere else,
lieing little whore, if they were just talking why would she need to lie.

22nd February 2009, 03:09 PM
a bitch that associates with people like that, will always associate with people like that. More dramas than its worth... gtfo

22nd February 2009, 04:16 PM
thats bad mate,

something like happened to a couple of mates of mine, they were jumped by c*nts that said my mates were on "their turf"

put one of my mates in hospital with facial injuries and the other was just battered and bruised

i say get ur biggest mates, tell them to get their biggest mates, and fuck them up bigtime
not the most mature answer, but like the blokes above me, nothing makes me more angry than gang bashers with nothing but a vag between their legs, thats a big part of the reason i took up boxing

p.s. get rid of that bitch, shes worthless, my 2c

22nd February 2009, 04:50 PM
I've been with the girl for 2 weeks and I don't really know her much at all. I know she's a "bad" girl, which is part of the attraction I guess. I'm going to talk to her this afternoon to see what she has to say. I don't know what I'll do yet.
I don't know why the guy did it. I guess he was just jealous. He doesn't speak English so the only words I understood were Fuck You.
I'd love to get some friends and make him fight me one on one but like I said I'm paranoid that they'd follow me home and knife me one night or something. I really got off easy this time.
But the good news is I don't need stitches in my forehead and I'll probably have a cool scar.

22nd February 2009, 04:56 PM
cool scars a sweet, you're now gonna look like the hardest kent:D

dude get ya lady to give you the address of her ex and go introduce him to your friends, fuckin low like prick. hit him one for me

22nd February 2009, 05:04 PM
dont bother taking that shit from people champ not worth it, if ur that paranoid carry a screwdriver in ur pocket n if they come after u again jam it between the cunts knee cap n see how well he does then, take a leak on him while hes down.

22nd February 2009, 05:16 PM
ditch the cumdumpster

22nd February 2009, 05:18 PM
hahahaha, +1

22nd February 2009, 05:32 PM
I've got a knuckle duster I'm going to be carrying around for a while and I'm going to get one of those extendable club things just in case it happens again.
The cops here don't do shit so I don't have to worry about any po po trouble.

22nd February 2009, 05:42 PM
Lawn dig her house.

22nd February 2009, 05:42 PM
shank him in the eye

22nd February 2009, 07:00 PM
Then lawn dig his house.

22nd February 2009, 07:37 PM
last night in town seen 3 blokes kicking the shit outta 1 bloke so me and my mates floored em. then i relised the bloke who was getting smashed was my cousin. he was KO for about 5 minutes. low life cunts picking on 1 drunk bloke.

22nd February 2009, 08:23 PM
Tell the cops he has 3 kids and said bad stuff about mao :P

22nd February 2009, 08:43 PM
ehh gang bashing fails!

happened to me a few times now. one time it was 5 people against me i threw about 4 punches and then got rolled haha least i tried :(

just get his number call himand the roll the cunt!

all torque
22nd February 2009, 08:47 PM
Shitty situation, man. Hope it all works out for you.

Btw, which country are you in?

22nd February 2009, 08:53 PM
2 weeks? dude i wouldn't even trouble yourself with even phoning the slut.

It's pretty obvious whats happening, girl lies about where she is and u catch her with her ex... :thumbdown:

and don't go down the path of revenge, if you hatch a plan to get them back they will just do that exact same thing to you, it's a vicious cycle... Too many ITGs (http://www.google.com.au/search?q=internet+tough+guy) on this forum giving bad advice that they would probably never do them selfs.

But yeah, that story is fairly fucked up. Spend more money on your car and less on girls :P

Water Boy
22nd February 2009, 10:08 PM
Sounds shit mate! Id steer well clear of him. Piss of all the knuckle dusters and that shit just be with some big blokes and if worst comes to worse then work them over.

Just act tuff and dont do something stupid? BTW why doesnt this bloke speak english?

22nd February 2009, 10:25 PM
actually yeah driftism makes sense, fuck the girl off and spend the money you save on ya car

22nd February 2009, 10:59 PM
Hey man be careful with using knuckle dusters if there not made properly they can actually fuck your hand up pretty good, you would be just has well off using a bunch of keys in your hand. Also be careful if there is a heap of his mates around an you killed him(its surprisingly easy to kill some one) you would be fucked, because they would all be witness. you would be screwed in court.In the end violence isn't the answer, I'm not saying don't defend yourself in a fight just don't go looking for shit, even if it is for revenge.

23rd February 2009, 01:29 AM
fuck that...

ditch girl, dont bother retalliating... they dont know who you are unless she says shit... she wont disclose any of your details if you just stay away if shes any type of human being

they have had their fun, leave it be and dont even bother talking to the slut

hope you got what you wanted out of her ;)

23rd February 2009, 01:36 AM
give them all fairy-floss

23rd February 2009, 12:04 PM
not really something to promote on this website?

poeple always want revenge or to rough someone up that they got roughed up by 2 weeks ago. lose your ego and you wont care the next morning. the quicker people learn this, the quicker fighting will stop. no one will say anything to anyone, and even if they did the person wouldnt care because they wouldnt have an ego.

thus fighting is defused...

23rd February 2009, 12:13 PM
not really something to promote on this website?

poeple always want revenge or to rough someone up that they got roughed up by 2 weeks ago. lose your ego and you wont care the next morning. the quicker people learn this, the quicker fighting will stop. no one will say anything to anyone, and even if they did the person wouldnt care because they wouldnt have an ego.

thus fighting is defused...


the first post ive ever actually agreed with you

23rd February 2009, 12:37 PM
imo leave the girl, but call her white trash before. Similar thing happened to me once, thats why i dont date white trash now:)

23rd February 2009, 12:40 PM
not really something to promote on this website?

poeple always want revenge or to rough someone up that they got roughed up by 2 weeks ago. lose your ego and you wont care the next morning. the quicker people learn this, the quicker fighting will stop. no one will say anything to anyone, and even if they did the person wouldnt care because they wouldnt have an ego.

thus fighting is defused...

man theres always going to be people out there who just go out to get in fights and start shit for no reason at all.

But if someone comes up to me and starts fighting me for no reason im not going to crawl up in a ball and forget about my ego..

23rd February 2009, 12:53 PM
Sorry to hear about this man. Sounds like a shit situation. I would loose the girl but find out her side of the story first. She might have gone to speak to him and do just that. Didnt tell you as she thought you might get upset and so on. She may have been speaking to him to tell him it is over and that she is with you now. You never know until you speak with her.

i agree with not taking it further yourself! If you get one thing out of this girl you get his details and you make a report to the police, if she will not give them go to the police and tell them she knows all the details and she will be know as a complaice (if she doesnt apply) and can be brought in on charges with them.

On the note of carrying weapons it is illegal to carry anything that can be used as a weapon no matter what, expect pepper spray.! But what you can carry that is still a weapon is a small knife that is no longer then your palm. FYI smaller knives CAN do more damage.

Learnt this shizz in school!

Good luck

23rd February 2009, 01:05 PM
man theres always going to be people out there who just go out to get in fights and start shit for no reason at all.

But if someone comes up to me and starts fighting me for no reason im not going to crawl up in a ball and forget about my ego..

definatly there are people who come out to just cause trouble. but think about it, and why they are doing it? doing to make themselves feel bigger better and tougher? that still comes back to an ego thing. no doubt there is an underlying theme for people who feel the need to do this sort of thing (ie physical abuse, mental abuse, verbal abuse at some stage in their life) but cool heads will ALWAYS prevail...

23rd February 2009, 01:11 PM
Just on what i said. Even though this doesnt apply to the situation put forward.

Dont bring you guns to Town. Johnny cash song! Really good leason for anyone. If you dont go looking for trouble, trouble usually wont find you. That means not carrying weapons

23rd February 2009, 01:40 PM
find out where he lives and smash his windows every few weeks :)

24th February 2009, 12:41 AM
shank him in the eye

lawl i may or may not have actually done that once.

and yer +1 on get rid of the bitch. she was obviously gonna fuck them cunts. why else would she say she was gonna stay at her mums

24th February 2009, 12:43 AM
imo leave the girl, but call her white trash before. Similar thing happened to me once, thats why i dont date white trash now:)

bahahahaha get yourself checked out for STDS while your at it.

ohhh and bad girls as fun as they can be its always going to be more satisfying to find the relatively pure and innocent ones and corrupt them yourself.

24th February 2009, 01:16 AM
ohhh and bad girls as fun as they can be its always going to be more satisfying to find the relatively pure and innocent ones and corrupt them yourself.


25th February 2009, 02:27 AM
I talked to her the next day and she almost cried when i told her what happened then called her friend to get his number and abused him.
I don't think I'm going to look for revenge but I'm going to be ready if it happens again. I'm going start wearing rings. I'm guessing that's what gave me the little forehead gash.
I know I should leave the girl but I like her and it's not too easy to find someone to sex, at least regularly.
I'm just going to get over it and see what happens.

25th February 2009, 09:16 AM
Give her anal as pay back though!! Maybe a lil ass to mouth for a sweet payback! That will teach her for lieing!

25th February 2009, 02:49 PM
If you like her and she likes you she will give you an explanation to why she lied to you and such.

Good luck with it mate getting gang banged hehe....isnt fun ae think we've all been there before.

25th February 2009, 09:33 PM
lmao make sure you tarp up when fucking a girl who is OBVIOUSLY cheating on you

25th February 2009, 10:35 PM
give her anal as pay back though!! Maybe a lil ass to mouth for a sweet payback! That will teach her for lieing!

+1 haha.

26th February 2009, 02:36 AM
yep, go the gecko

from behind, against a wall, then ram it in her ass unexpectedly

she will climb up the wall like a "gecko" hhaha

then yess a lil bit of "ATM" wouldnt go astray

26th February 2009, 11:08 AM
Enjoy your aids. Any explanation she gave you was obviously a lie. You already know she was gonna stay with them guys that night and lied about it. Grow a spine and stomp her face into the gutter. Or kick her to the curb ;)

26th February 2009, 11:23 AM
i started a revelation the other day, chicks have always had the upper hand, and always try to change dudes. I realized there are more girls than guys in the world, and its about time we became the "to get". So i have spent the last few weeks changing girls and pissing them off at my leisure.
It actually works pretty well.

26th February 2009, 11:30 AM
i started a revelation the other day, chicks have always had the upper hand, and always try to change dudes. I realized there are more girls than guys in the world, and its about time we became the "to get". So i have spent the last few weeks changing girls and pissing them off at my leisure.
It actually works pretty well.

There is one group that has done this since the dawn of time.. You know them as CLUB CHARLES.... ohhh yer!!

26th February 2009, 11:55 AM
ive got a missus and have had like 10 phone calls in the last two months from random girls i cant remember. I wasnt being a douche bag to them, just not being like, oh thats so nice I once did that and crap. Just telling em what I think, letting them know if they do something that shits me right off the bat.

In regards to flaming heads, fighting is shown most in nationalities that are least evolved socially. Australia is going backwards. Your girl, obviously doesnt appreciate you, YET, let her know you have better things to do, worry about, so shape up or ship out.

Just remember loose lips sink ships, keep things to yourself sometimes and things go alot smoother

14th May 2009, 03:11 PM
Yall wont believe this-there is someone lurking on here that is so hateful that they posted a VERY UGLY comment on YouTube, because they knew that they couldn't post it here due to moderators. It was a comment with cuss words and referenced this forum. I cannot repeat what was posted, but it was very crude.I have to wonder why the hate?
p.s. the person's YouTube profile states that investment banker in San Antonio TX. so one of the CD posters from San Antonio wrote it. i have to really wonder why an adult professional would be so vulgar.

14th May 2009, 03:29 PM
she lied to u, she will lie again. her behaivoir is unforgivable.

u said about sex before ?? wow, already doing it and only been together 2 weeks. not really the type i would go for IMHO... best thing u can do is take nude pics and "accidently" do an EDISON CHEN !! let them be distributed "accdently" to her family and friends.

i would just call the guy and say, u can have that skank, enjoy the "life" you would have together. then u go and find a nice girl u can marry.

the best payback is success act like u know (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKq9xQ62e8w) (flaming heads, i know u speak mandarin, so u will get this video)

14th May 2009, 03:41 PM
Yall wont believe this-there is someone lurking on here that is so hateful that they posted a VERY UGLY comment on YouTube, because they knew that they couldn't post it here due to moderators. It was a comment with cuss words and referenced this forum. I cannot repeat what was posted, but it was very crude.I have to wonder why the hate?
p.s. the person's YouTube profile states that investment banker in San Antonio TX. so one of the CD posters from San Antonio wrote it. i have to really wonder why an adult professional would be so vulgar.

whaaaaa ??

by the way, the link in simpleviolets sig is an adult website....... spam ??

14th May 2009, 04:35 PM
doesnt speak english

3 kids


flamingheads现在你在中国吗 ??
我想她很坏 !!

14th May 2009, 10:08 PM
sharpen up an old toothbrush end and shivv the kunt in the gut, lol but seriously, dont get him back by fighting, get him back in a way he will never expect,
explosives are fun, as are home invasions lol

15th May 2009, 01:45 AM
Yall wont believe this-there is someone lurking on here that is so hateful that they posted a VERY UGLY comment on YouTube, because they knew that they couldn't post it here due to moderators. It was a comment with cuss words and referenced this forum. I cannot repeat what was posted, but it was very crude.I have to wonder why the hate?
p.s. the person's YouTube profile states that investment banker in San Antonio TX. so one of the CD posters from San Antonio wrote it. i have to really wonder why an adult professional would be so vulgar.

What the fark? This thread is like 2 months old, why did you dig it up and post this random shit in it? Mods feel free to lock away.

And to update the story we're finished now for no special reason.
I'm still in China.
And I have a Harry Potter style scar on my forehead. The chicks love it.

R&D Mechanical
18th May 2009, 08:33 PM
I know I should leave the girl but I like her and it's not too easy to find someone to sex, at least regularly.

Ha ha nice quote, sucks to hear dude, get rid of her while you can i say or it will just keep on hurting dude, there are plenty of cumpots out there for you :)

18th May 2009, 08:43 PM
nice, now that u have parted ways, revenge for no reason to the ex would be nice come back, maybe return the favour and have a 7 vs 1