View Full Version : here's one for ya's

8th February 2006, 11:09 PM
Got a small problem with my motor,
Ill find the problem soon but wondering if anyone has had this problem before.
Almost everytime i turn to the right my motor farts and misses, say going around a huge roundabout in 3rd gear 4000rpm. It sounds like spark is cutting out but i dont see why it would. My dizzy does leak oil but has been slowly leakin for the last 6months....
Anyone had this happen to them before?

9th February 2006, 12:29 PM
Fuel surge???

9th February 2006, 01:00 PM
Dizzy's in 4age's commonly leak oil through the O-ring of the gear shaft. I dont think this is causing you issue tho.

I'm gonna have to concur with mumblehead and say its fuel surge.

Try filling your tank and doing the same thing and see whether it goes away.

9th February 2006, 05:32 PM
youre leads could be super old and f***ed (like most ppls) and when you go around a corner the coil wire or one of the others might be touching on something and earthing, causing a miss.

9th February 2006, 11:25 PM
nope your all wrong, took dizzy cap off at smoko today to find 2 teaspoons of oil in it. It was ok when the car was going straight because of the torque of the engine keeping the oil low in the cap but when in right hand corner it would block the 2 bottom spark doobeys. Shes all sweet now, and now to bust the bank for the coast of an o ring.....