View Full Version : Coilpack Testing

16th February 2006, 08:54 PM
Hey lads,

I got a multimeter and i want to test my coilpacks how will i do that on my 20v silvertop.

I was think just unplug all the leads to the coilpacks.

And have a mate connect the multimeter to each coilpack as i try to crank it over so it will create a spark and just make sure all the readings are the same over the two coilpacks.

What sorta voltage am i looking for on the multimeter?

- Luke

Jonny Rochester
19th February 2006, 04:26 PM
To test coils, unplug everything. Don't try and start car or anything like that. Use the multimeter on the resistance setting. Test the resistance of the primary, and secondary windings. If you at least have a reading (or very low resistance), then that is a start.

On a twin coil, the little plastic plug (with two sires going back to harness or igniter) is the primary winding.

The two big ends for the plug leads if the secondary winding, which is not directly conected to the primary winding.

Is this car already running? Not a unfinnished project? You have the right igniter and computer?