View Full Version : Key barrel question

14th April 2006, 07:44 PM
Went to bring my ae71 rolla home from where its currently hibernating and I can't get the goddamn key to turn in the ignition barrel! I've had it happen before and all it took was a light tap from underneath with a hammer to get it to turn. Now its not doing anything, feels like maybe the release button on top of the barrel isn't letting the key go deep enough to lock in? I'm going to tear the column to bits tomorrow, so if anyone has any suggestions as to what in the hell I need to do to fix this thing that would be great.

Cheers guys

15th April 2006, 12:07 PM
try putting some graphite powder down it to lube it up a bit

16th April 2006, 02:35 AM
Thanks for that mate but it didn't work so we pulled it to bits and drilled the steering lock out. Now I start the car with a screw driver. Cool, huh?