View Full Version : fwd gze in a 86?

7th June 2006, 09:50 PM
i have a fwd 4agze that i was wonderin if i could put in my 86.
is there going to be anything i will need to modify for the engine to run it rwd?

7th June 2006, 10:02 PM
have you done a search with google. i just did and heaps of info came up

site 1 (http://www.4age.net/tech/4agze86/)
site 2 (http://www.performanceforums.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-67118080.html)

here are a few i found....there are heaps more out there tho

7th June 2006, 10:27 PM
sorry boys, its actually a 4age with a gze charger on it, will this alter any problems with the fitment, or am i still gonna hit the same ones?

im actually thinkin of pullin off the charger, and running trumpets instead.
any thoughts?

7th June 2006, 11:32 PM
it depends if its a fwd 4a, or rwd.

how about 20v quads?

8th June 2006, 09:48 AM
it depends if its a fwd 4a, or rwd.

how about 20v quads?[/b]

after just comleting my ze in to a spoontah conversion from a fwd ae92 levin, i have found that there are a few things that you need get perfect that you can't waste time on.

1) your fwd to rwd bottom radiator hose.. dont spare any $$ trying to do it with just rubber hose.. it wont work, especially if you want to slide it.

2) dont stuff around with intercooler piping and your supercharger intake/outlet manifolds.. get it done right and dont try and weld it if you cant weld, it will be crap.. you should have seen my attempt HEHEEH.

3) the best alternator bracket it from a sv21 rolla motor, it bolts right to the side, then all you need to do is make a bottom tensioner bracket. http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/tongue.gif

happy camping...

also if you need to have an 02 sensor.. dont skip it http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/tongue.gif

making short cuts can mean the difference between having a spoontah with 84rwkw or 93rwkw. TRUST ME, I Know. http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/tongue.gif

8th June 2006, 05:34 PM
i'd like to hear more about this na 4age with charger. what ecu?

21st June 2006, 11:44 PM
i'd like to hear more about this na 4age with charger. what ecu?[/b]

running a wolf management, ive been told that u can piggyback the na ecu, but ive also heard of it melting pistons too! i run 14 psi, and it runs sweet n hard whenever i bring it out. only sorta safe way to do it would be a full management, as the charger makes shit just run soooo hot, theres a big difference in temp, compared to the na

22nd June 2006, 08:31 AM
sv21 was a camry... ae92/3/4 4AFE altenator braket is what you want.. you just need to make/find a swing bracket that fits ok.. i made one out of an exhaust braket out of all things..

also the bottom left hand corner of the S/C needs to be ground off.. i assure you there is not weakness to the rest of the bracket by doing this.. it is still plenty strong enough for me to swing off.. i cut it off with a grinder.. now you can fit your 4ac/4age engine mount http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/smile.gif

with the cooling system.. i managed to make do with a combination of the FWD AE92 GZE hoses.. and the AE86.. hoses.. http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/smile.gif i have a article in the tech articles..