View Full Version : gear box trouble any useful tips?

13th June 2006, 07:45 PM
hey guys i know everyone in here has or at one stage will have to take the gearbox out and replace the clutch or just swap the box cause of to much thrashing. thats my problem at the moment. i bought a sprinter 4age with 2nd gear stripped so i bought a aus spec t50. funny tho cause when i dropped the gearbox out of the sprinter i relised it was a jdm t50. bitter sweet, ya know.

first question is.....if i was going to change the bellhousing from the jap spec to the aus spec would it be a bolt on job. is it hard? ive looked at both and it should, but ive never really taken out the belhousing . just abit scared that if i take the bellhousing off everything inside it will fall out (got no expereince with the inside of a gearbox. noob) however is it striaght forward. just taking the bell housing off and bolting it onto the other. oh the reason why is cause i like the idea of having the master(i think) clutch cylinder on the right hand side(opp. side of the exhaust) no melting lines . the aus spec that i bought has got a heat shield already, all good but the heat shield gets in the way of the exhaust (grrrrrrr). so im either stuck with the auspec t50 as is until i melt the lines or go find another jdm t50.

ok thats part one. second problem. the easy part was taking the box off . took about 1hr and lil bit. now dont laugh (noob) it took me the rest of the day till about 7:00Pm and it still not in.
anybody who has done this simple job many of times please help. i need some tips on how to put it back in. im working on the floor. got the car on two car stands. also have someone inside with a rope holding on the end of it up. i got as far as putting in till there was like 1cm left. and then it would not go in. help please. am i doing someting wrong. someone told me to put it into 1st gear. true flase? what do yuo guys reccomend.

any post with advice would be great. thanks guys i know you guys will help out.cheers!!!

Big T
13th June 2006, 08:45 PM
Yeps the bellhousings will interchange so just grab an aus spec box and put your bellhousing onto it.

With the box not going in... did you align the clutch properly? Also you should have put a new spigot bearing into the rear of the crank. It's pretty easy to munt these and it stops the input shaft from slipping in all the way. Having it in 1st gear wont do anything.

It takes a bit of effort but with a few jacks and a bit of patience it'll fit eventually. I've managed to do one solo using one of those gearbox jack adaptors.
