View Full Version : Tech Problem!

1st July 2006, 09:04 AM
4agze out of ae101 MAP.
Standard computer.
Standard fuel pump from 4age.
Engine is in AE86.

When you put your foot down at low rpm the car stutters and sometimes even cuts out a little bit. If if does't cut out it will surge massivly until finaly it starts to pick up and go.
In the high rpm there in no problem (4grand and upwards). You put you foot down hard and it accelerates hard with instant boost from the SC.
When just accecerating lightly it is fine, the problem only occurs under hard acceleration from low revs.
Just wondering what your thoughts might be on the problem?
Fuel pump, sensor, etc?


1st July 2006, 01:41 PM
It sounds either fuel or electrical.

I'm gonna guess electrical. Have you checked your spark plugs? Often in GZE plugs get dirty and may cause this issue.

I can recall a mate with some issues with his knock sensor on his GZE which fuckt up the timing and caused a similar sounding issue.

Thats all I got.

4th July 2006, 12:07 PM
Fixed the problem.
Thermostat no working and car running at very low temps!
Got it up to temp and drives fine.