View Full Version : My brakes are playing up ???????

22nd July 2006, 02:16 PM
Hey guys,
My brakes started playing up yesterday, when i push them down slow, the pedal slowly pushes almost all way down to floor and takes while to fully brake at a stop.
But when i stab at the pedal fast it will stop quickly, doesnt lose its compression, anyone know whats goin on ?
Could be air leak somwhere in the booster??
I think it started happening after i locked up front wheels, i had to break in hurry cause of another car

Edited by TAS_AE86, 'Brake not break you goose http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/tongue.gif'

22nd July 2006, 02:44 PM
you are leaking fluid somewhere get it sussed out asap.

Brenton 86
22nd July 2006, 02:58 PM
Yea sounds like ur low on fluid, is the warning light on?
Its most likely ur rear wheel cylinders leaking, if so repco will have them in stock an cost $22 each from memory

22nd July 2006, 03:08 PM
brake master, im sure of it

just replaced mine. had the problem in the corola and the same problem in the prelude when i got it.

check over your lines for any leaks as well tho, but would put the money on the brake master.

this thing here:


mech`s blue
22nd July 2006, 03:44 PM
check first to make sure no air in lines and that you not losing fluid. if that ok then definetely master cylinder

what happens is that when you push the pedal down slowly the fluid is bypassing past the cups in the centre
of the cylinder that push pressure to both front and rear, hence only the rear brakes work. when you push the pedal fast/hard the pressure much stronger, faster so you don't feel the bypass happening.

just pull off your master cylinder and get a proffesional to rebuild it for you. (usually bout $150) then bench bleed it and put it back in. http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/2thumbs.gif

22nd July 2006, 04:13 PM
check your fluid level, if it's low you are obviously leaking it somewhere don't just top it up brakes don't use fluid like engines use oil!! start with the cheapest and most obvious stuff first.

i personally would check my wheel cylinders first, take your rear drums off, the cylinders are located between the shoes up the top of the brake backing plate, pull back the rubber boots if fluid comes out there's your problem.

if not undo your master cylinder from your booster and pull it forward, if you have fluid leakage out the back of the master get it rekitted and your sorted.

if not check all rubber flex hoses and steel lines for leaks.

if in doubt about anything get it sussed out by a professional nothing will kill you or worse someone else quicker than no brakes

22nd July 2006, 10:27 PM
Yeh its brake booster, i replaced from one from the halfcut, should hold up for while i hope until got money to just recon one