View Full Version : 4agze Thermostats/ heating problem

7th August 2006, 09:02 PM
jus wondering wer the thermostat should be located???

Mine is currently between the top hose of the radiator and the block and is more or less level (if anything, a poofteenth higher) than the radiator. Its always been like this ever since i got the car off the old owner but this is the first time i flushed the radiator and changed the coolant. My car seems to be having sum wierd heating problem ever since. It seems lyk there is an air pocket in my system which is playin with when my thermostat opens;

e.g. 1: my microtech dash reads 90degrees (the sensor is on the back of the block) but im able to walk up n touch the radiator and the water with out burning myself..

e.g. 2: If i drive it the temp will go up a fair bit (90 or so) and then randomly drop back down to normal operating temp.

Im thinking because of the position of my thermostat and it being more or less level or the highest point, any air pocket in the system is rising straight there, playing around with it. (The thermostat is fine, it brand new and i re-tested it before i put it in)

Its definently something to do with the thermostat because i took it out on saturday and i have been runnin my car without it since. I gave it a beating and temp was still ok.

What temps should the sensor on the back of the block reach?

What do you guys think? any help would be awesome.. If some1 has pics of the GZE's that'l be tops too


8th August 2006, 10:00 PM
ANY 1?

8th August 2006, 10:32 PM
place the sensor were there will always be flowing water, like out the pump or near by, and have the 2 sensor close or in the same area.

10th August 2006, 01:01 AM
k thanks heaps.. il give it a go.. do u think the thermostat needs 2 be moved??

12th August 2006, 05:32 PM
Had a similar type of problem when i put my engine together. Car would get really hot then would drop temp to normal and get really hot again etc. Found that my mate had flushed the radiator out with some radiator cleaning stuff without removing the thermostat. The cleaning stuff totally ^%&* the thermostat so it wouldn't work properly and was only opening because of all the pressure building up behind it. So i would check your thermostat by putting it in a glass of hot water make sure it opens up.

Goodluck with it!