View Full Version : rack end replacment

ae86 slide
10th August 2006, 08:29 AM
im about to change my rack ends (theres alot of play in them),
never done this before so is it a basic job or is there anything special i should know before attempting it?
cheers jase

10th August 2006, 08:40 AM
nah pretty simple.

take off your tierod ends from the rack end
remove the rack boot
bend back the lock washers at the rack end (you'll see what they are)
undo the rack end and screw in your new one, make sure to reuse lock washers
refit old boot (or use new ones repco universal rack boots fit perfect.
refit tierod ends
do wheel alignment.

while they are off you can fit a couple of washers between the rack end and rack housing for some extra lock if you are that way inclined, just make sure there is a decent amount of thread still in the rack itself! and use loctite on the rack end threads as you can't reuse the lock washers when you space the rack ends out.

hope that helps.

ae86 slide
10th August 2006, 08:44 AM
it does thanks very much.
i already have power steering arms, would u say it would be worth using spacers?

10th August 2006, 10:14 AM
i don't really know to be honest!! i've never used ps arms or the spacers or even both. i know Dave (AJPS) uses both, there is a picture of the lock obtained in his members ride thread.

12th August 2006, 06:29 PM
there is not much thread in the rack end so I think spacers would be unwise. the risks probably dont match the benefit. carefully check the rack boots for splits as theya re easy to replace whislt apart. if you need them, I have new ends & boots in stock along with new lock washers (which are essential). see ww.roadandtrack.net.au if interested .

12th August 2006, 06:38 PM
For one of my cars I went to get new boots and they were like $10 each or something but the one-size-fits-all boots work just as well and are only like $3 each. Also mark how far the thingys (are they rack ends?) screw on so you won't need a wheel alignment.