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View Full Version : 4kc still not running....

20th October 2006, 07:48 PM
gday guys, well i am in need of some help involving the carburetta setup on my 4kc engine in the ke70..

was driving along today, and car decided to start complaining, i lost all power at all, it would idle fine but as soon as you put an load on the engine at all it would splutter and die instantly. this sudgests to me a carburetta/vaccume problem, anyone else experienced this?

i have checked spark plugs, dizzy cap, and fuel pump (thought it might have been starving fuel) but these all turned out fine. so all that was left was carby and vaccume issues.

i went out to the wreckers and got a new carburetta, which appears to be in better condition to mine (50$.....bit exi, but didnt have much of an option at the time...) only problem is i wasnt able to to take it off the car my self, and therefore i have no idea where all the vacume lines are supposed to go. and the vacume line setup on the current carby has been butchered by the previus owner and doesnt look correct at all....

so my question is, does anyone have an decent images of the vacume setup and where everything goes?
i figued out the vaccume advance, but there is a few vacume bellows that have pipes coming of them and no home for the other end of the pipe....

before you say "look at the sticked on the inside of the bonnet", i have looked at that, but i didnt know what any of the valves it has on there actually were...so didnt make any sense to me.....

lastly, i have found a few pictures of 4kc's and from what i can tell there i am missing a little round white thing that is attached to the air filter (think its some sort of valve, and there is a bracket that looks like it would hold it) question is do i actually need this thing?? and do i need any of the other valve looking things??

sorry its alot to read, but i thought i woudl put as much info in the first post so i dont have to clarify as much


21st October 2006, 12:13 AM
Get rid of all pollution gear,

Just keep vac advance to dissy and a vac line to the pvc valve.

Cheers, Rob

21st October 2006, 11:36 AM
Sounds more like a condensor to me. I would replace this first and rule out the ignition before digging deeper. A dodgy condensor can often seem like a carb problem including the symtoms you suggest. It has caught out many a good mechanic including me.



21st October 2006, 01:53 PM
cheers for the replys guys, i shall go and check out the condensor

21st October 2006, 11:29 PM
ok well i had a dig around today, and did some searching on the interweb, and have not been able to figure out what this "condenser" actually is, could anyone point me in the right direction, im not too familar with a points dizzy as my other car uses an electronic style dizzy, so if someone could just head me in the right direction as to what/where this condensor is and how do you check if its good/bad?

22nd October 2006, 12:35 AM
If it has not been replaced for a while i suggest changing it, go to your local parts store and buy a new one and a set of points as well, it will cost $10 max and they will explain where it goes and how to fit it.

22nd October 2006, 09:16 AM
It is a capasitor which is a small part that screws to the side or sometimes inside the distributor. They store the electrical charge when the points open (i am going from my tech college days from memory so I may be off a bit). When the points open the curcuit is broken the eletrical field in the windings on the primary side of the coil colapses (the negative and positive side) and a secondary high voltage occurs as a result to the secondary side of the coil (the part of the coil where the coil lead comes out) thus causing a spark. The condensor is an integral part of this and if not working properly will either not allow any spark or allow the spark to break down under load. As Rob said replace it and the points also. I hope I have got all this correct as it has been almost 18 years since I went on my mechanical college block release and I may have have missed a few thing.



22nd October 2006, 11:20 AM
thanks for that reply oae 86, im prettty sure i under stand now, ill go see what i can do http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/tup.gif

4th November 2006, 10:54 PM
well fellas although i havent had that much time to work on it (stinkin exams!), i have figured out that i still cant figure it out!!! this has really got me this time.

basically it idles now (quite well), but as soon as you thing about touching the accelerator it chucks a spac bogs down, and it will quite often pop out the top of the carby and possibly some flamage out the top as well!!,

what i have done so far

new spark plugs (but after a few runs appeard a little black, not sure if this is normal)
new poitns (point gap set to 0.5mm)
timing advance checked (set to 10 and advances to about 15/17)
compression test done, all around 150psi (so valves are ok)
accelerator pump appears to work (pressing accel in with engine off you can see fuel squirting in)
i have also tried another carby and seemed to make no difference

so it has to be vacume related!!!

vac lines i have hooked up are the pcv valve and the vac advance, all the others are just on there how i found them from previous owner (probably wrong...but i dotn know any better)

next step is to find a ke70 at the wreckers and get anythign to do with vacume lines (both pipes and emissions crap...i dont care any more i just wanna drive) and put it on there perfectly....

surely one of you guys must have a 4kc with all emissions crap removed that actually runs?!?!?!

dont worry i intend on 4age'ing it veryyyy soon but i still wanna drive 4kc around for till then!!

any help would be awesome fellas.....

5th November 2006, 04:17 AM
i had the same trouble with mine briefly before it was 4aged, i cleaned out the jets in my carby, the idle jet was clean, hence the nice idle, but the main jet was blocked restricting fuel under load. It could be pure coincidence that both your new carby and old are blocked,

try some injector cleaner in tank type stuff, this wasnt enough to fix mine but definately helped.

My only other suggestion is to try and see if you can take the carby back and swap it for a 3k unit. 3k's are identical to 4ks but lack the pollution control crap and are as easy as pie to hook up. Also yeilds more power, aye aye aye. ahh ill go to bed now

5th November 2006, 12:33 PM
My only other suggestion is to try and see if you can take the carby back and swap it for a 3k unit. 3k's are identical to 4ks but lack the pollution control crap and are as easy as pie to hook up. Also yeilds more power, aye aye aye. ahh ill go to bed now[/b]

wow really? my mate has 3k just sittin in his yard....wonder if i can pilpher his carby....

thanks for your reply, ill go and pull see if i can clean out the yet

15th November 2006, 05:31 PM
finally got another chance to have at the ke70 today

got sick of 4k? I DO!!!

i put the 3k carby on there (EXACTLY how it came of the donor car), readusted points to proper gap, actually got it to start!!! WOOT!!!!

but it wont idle, take foot off accel and it dies, sounds nice when you rev it though...

if you flutter the accell just enough to keep it running, it splutters and misfires a little,

my thoughts are vacume leek, but there are like 2 vac hoses and they all seem fine

ideas gentelmen?