View Full Version : Another cop rant.

20th November 2006, 05:20 PM
I've noticed over the past 5 years that the police especially in country victoria are becoming more and more about revenue raising and not about police.

Story one: Place i used to work at got done over. After trying to call police for 20 minutes i finally got through to report it to be told that police would be down in 5-10 min. An hour + later they show up to bascily accuse me and the manager of doin the job. We got told to wait for the CIB to come down and do more of an investigation, 2 hours later they show up and its more of the same including general abuse. Nothing ended up happing, no charges were laid and no investigation was done after that day. I got to work at 7am and it was well into arvo before we could actually start cleaning up. Ciggies, cash and even the safe which was full (long weekend) was stollen.

Story 2: Im being hounded by an officer for asking how to mod a car correctly to avoid defects and fines. So much so that the day its back on the road its goin to EPA and recieve a defect.

Story 3: mates car gets hit by a middle aged women. the women was speeding, not paying attentino, running a stop/giveway sign. My friend ended up loosing her arm and her baby was lucky to survice. Old women gets a "failure to give way" fine and thats it.

Story 4: me and a mate got beaten up on saturday night, by people known for doin this stuff. Not only that but they attacked atleast 3 other cars and other innocent people. Mate went to the police and they told him to go away and to stop waisting there time as they were eating. Police know theres a problem with assults/rapes etc. but they're not willing to do anything due to being busy defectign cars, and then its usually the cars that aren't doin anything that get harassed, the bogans in commo's ripping skids dont get affected.

http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/wtf.gif http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/wtf.gif http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/wtf.gif Society makes me sick these days. The more of a "moral" citizen you are, the more you get fucked over. Yet if your dodgy etc. you get away with it.

/end rant.

20th November 2006, 05:45 PM
The misses just rang up to make a complaint and said a letter of complaint would be written and sent. Officer that answerd the phone laughed and said "good luck with it getting anywhere".

20th November 2006, 05:48 PM
I've said it before and I will say it again:


Sorry to hear that dude, shit goes down the same in N.S.W too

20th November 2006, 05:57 PM
I dunno what pisses me off more though, the constant harasment while driving a car, the fact that cops dont do anything, the fact that when you make a complaint they tell you to go away. The cops know this stuff goes down all the time but refuse to do anything about it., probably cos when these people goto court they get slaps on wrist. It just pisses me off so much that id so love to move up north or see if my cousing/mate could set me up with a job in new zealand.

DRFT - 86
20th November 2006, 06:01 PM
I feel your pain man.............

20th November 2006, 06:34 PM
here's a tip get new plates $30 and your car is now blank on there rego checks .
ps cops are tops http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/dcimages/7/5/4/536981.jpg

20th November 2006, 07:02 PM
fuck the police 100%

20th November 2006, 07:20 PM
i got another nice story for ya's

some friends of mine were having dinner at like 8pm at night, and a little kid, thats right a CHILD (like 6yrs old i think) knocked on the door. i dont know the full story, but the kid was goin on about how he had been left at home all day and was hungry. so my friend called the police, and they took 3hours to come!!! thast right 3hours!!!! and it turned out that the cops that did come were from a cop station 4 suburbs away (like 20mins drive)

now i know they are busy, but we are talking about a 6yr old CHILD here, surely that should have been priority?!?!?!

but nooo!! they were prolly all out there giving defects to the hoons of the street for having their cars 4mm to low, that cause soo much chaos its alot more imporatant than a 6yr old child......

love the justice system http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/dry.gif

20th November 2006, 08:38 PM
That actually reminded me of another story. Misses was having a house warming party when some bogans in a vn ss decided to drop a skid in driveway and their tard friends decided to push over all the potplants/ornaments on lawn. I decided to take the misses mr2 out to the folks house and come back in her daewoo as it was only over a small gate and in easy reach for them to trash. I got pulled up right out the front of her house and the police were complete assholes. The only things they said were "give us your licence", "what are you doin at this time of the morning (3am), "blow into this" "where are you going" to which i told them and they thought i was being a smartass till they checked the rego, "heres your licence". Tried to tell them about the kids and guy in the vn ss and they wanted nothing to do with it at all.

20th November 2006, 10:48 PM
maybe its time to move? probly not the best idea but if ur in a area that doesnt work for u then go somewhere that dose

20th November 2006, 10:58 PM
To be honest i've been contemplating it alot lately. Just wanna get my daily/mr2 sorted and save a bit of cash. Will need a decent job and the misses will need a good job where ever we choose to go.

20th November 2006, 11:52 PM
yeh somtimes i think the cops focus on the cars instead of the real problems just because its what the media focuses on

21st November 2006, 10:00 AM
Yeah, FTP for sure.
Bunch of wankers, have never, ever liked them. Having said that, i've never had any probs in the hahci.

27th November 2006, 12:25 AM
what gets to me
is that respect is earnt
they have earnt nothing but the opposite to respect for their actions over the years
ive norespect for the law authority etc
id be happy to be called a bushranger of modern times http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/tongue.gif as at least they stuck up for whats right and had respect most fo the time and something called morales

28th November 2006, 12:23 AM
for story #3 are you suing the bitch? if not set her house on fire... or chase her with a jerry can and pour petrol over her and then set her on fire.. then piss on left eye socket..

else... if youre crazy enuff.. buy a gun... kill lots or annoying stoopid people...

pigs are never meant to be goodie goodies... they just a normal norman with more authorathile and get paid to fuck over the usual norman...

*yes i have a brain like a bomb...

28th November 2006, 11:34 AM
Last I heard the women was being sued and Sonja was looking at a nice TAC payout aswell.