View Full Version : hand brake cable

5th December 2006, 10:25 PM
hi guys.

just wondering if anybody knoes how to change/ remove handbrake cables of the rear drums.

just having truobles removing it. i looked at it this afternoon and was like ill just yank it out but that didnt work.

heres some pics

any sort of help would be great.


5th December 2006, 10:52 PM
see all those little pins on the inside? you need to hold them in and slide the cable out. To do that push a few in on one side and then tilt the cable so the pins go in. The push the other pins in and try and push the rest though. Hard to explain easy to show in real life

5th December 2006, 11:10 PM
^^^ i hate these, some days they come out easy as, other days they just won't play the game.

i normally use needle nose pliers and compress 2 -3 of the little fingers. as Sam said tilt the cable so the fingers don't click back into place and compress some more, just work your way around until they are all out.

another thing you can do is disconnect the cable from the lever on the SHOE END and slide either a 13mm or 1/2 inch ringspanner over the cable, bring it down to the fingers and depending on the spanner (just try a few different sizes) you can slide the ringspanner over the fingers and it compresses them all at once and it just pops right out.

^^ doesn't work al the time though but has been working for me lately.