View Full Version : stock fuel pressure regulator, what is the stock idle and full throttle psi?

6th December 2006, 05:19 PM
as the title states!

what is the flow of the stock fuel regulator on a big port 16v? i need to know so i can do some adjusting on the malpassi im still running rich at 28 psi at idle

6th December 2006, 06:08 PM
thought we fixed this???

how rich is rich?? you told me it was going in to get it on a o2 sensor so you can see the a/f ratio..

is it still blowing heaps of fat on full throttle? if yes.. knock dow the pressure.. you said you had it down to 14 or somthing last time didn't you???

6th December 2006, 06:12 PM
from your previous post 45psi is still too high for WOT... try more like 40psi at WOT..

6th December 2006, 07:32 PM
its ok i have fixed the problem, went to my local sprinter mechanic and asked him in person! now the problem of why im blowing black smoke (since it is not running rich any more) when the car is at full throttle needs to be addressed. my vote is for piston rings

7th December 2006, 09:19 AM
it is quite normal for a 4AGE to blow a bit of 'fat' at full noise.. espesh with a exhaust system done on it.. it is quite normal and a few days of very hard driving might see your rear end looking a little like turbo smog clinging to your back bumper.. that is quite normal.. piston rings would be if it were blowing blue smoke..

7th December 2006, 09:46 AM
oh good! a mate suggested cleaning the spark plugs which i think ill do

13th December 2006, 07:28 PM
Why clean the plugs, if they need a clean then might as well get new ones.

But then again you were running rich for a while so maybe a clean will help.