View Full Version : Door handle wont open door after changing handles

21st December 2006, 07:11 PM
Hey all

Just finished painting several panels for my car, this includes 4 new doors.
I have switched over my old locks and door handles to these new doors, and bolted them in correctly as far as i can see, however

Both of my front door handles wont open the doors. You can still open the door from the inside using the inside door handle, however the outside handle does not do anything.

This is on a ae71, however i would assume that ae86 doors handles have similar operation
My question is, has anyone ever had this happen to them after they have removed door handles and replaced them? And if so, what did you do to fix this?

I assume it needs some adjustment of the position of the handle as it seems the inside hanle pulls the mechanism that unlocks the door down further than the outside handle does

Any info anyone can give me to fix this would be great



21st December 2006, 07:31 PM
Normally an elbow to the window its self will help a person of interest gain access.

Or just check the see is the part that conencts to the handle on the outside is tight enough so when you pull ont he handle it if tight enough to pull the mechanism.

if that makes sense.

21st December 2006, 07:50 PM
did you use the same bolts that hold the door latch assembly in? the part that actually bolts to the door that the rods and stuff clip into.

i used different bolts and they were like 1mm too long and stopped the handle from actuating the door release. the exterior handle would pull all the way up but not open the door.

21st December 2006, 07:55 PM
Nah gilly theyre the same bolts

monk, yea that makes sense. I think the rod thing that it connects too is quite loose (probly from the actual latch's end which i didnt dismantle at all...)

ive been working all day so sorta over all that, ill have a good look tmro when i put all the gaurds and that back onto the car, otherwise ill just go without doors cars for a few weeks and get in via the boot hahaha