View Full Version : Harness Mounting

7th January 2007, 05:44 PM
have just aquired a Sabelt 5 point harness from a GT3 driving neighbor, just wondering the most practical place to mount the bottom points too, obviously the two shoulder straps go to the rear A-spec brace, so where do i mount the other 3 points,
any pics would help cheersSabelt


7th January 2007, 05:46 PM
just drill holes http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/tongue.gif

Nah, you should be able to take out your stock seatbelt and clip bit and use the bolt holes for the two side bits, but i reckon the dick strap will necessitate some drilling.

7th January 2007, 05:47 PM
if it has adjustable side straps (which it should) just fix the two "lap" straps to the stndard seat belt mounting points. don't know what to do with the cock killing strap. maybe bolt to the floor but with big washer style plates?

EDIT: god damn you Justin, i had a feeling we'd be typing at the same time http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/laugh.gif

7th January 2007, 05:49 PM
How i said to do it was how i mounted my willans and i had no problems. Just drill a meaty hole in the floor, grab a huge thick bolt and some thick washers and you will be sorted in no time!

Or even better, just dont use the wang restrictor.

LOL at gilly, so stole my dick strap call...

7th January 2007, 05:55 PM
i will use the willyrestrictor whenever on the track, i once saw a dude in an MX5 who was using a 4 point, he hit the wall at the last turn at Mallala, he suffered from whats called Submarineing, its when the velocity of the impact is so great that you actually slide under the lap straps into the footwell, he suffered from internal hemmoraging and will never walk again, id rather lose my nuts that my ability to walk and shit properly,

colostomy FTL 00000

7th January 2007, 06:10 PM
get some FIA approved eye bolt mounts (go gear and places like that have em) basically its a but nut welded to a thick square of steel (usually around 50mm by 50mm...i think) that goes under the floor, so instead of just ripping the floor out when u do crash its a little safer.