View Full Version : your opinion on deposits to mates

30th January 2007, 04:23 PM
i have had this recently happen to me the person will remain nameless..

i gave a deposit to a bloke of $500 for 'said' car and he was going to supply it with 'said' engine, he told me that the engine he would be buying off his boss so to just deposit the money in the bosses bank acount, i know both parties the boss and the seller well enough to trust them as i have been dealing with them with parts and bussiness over the past few years, and vice versa they have purchased goods off me and i have supplied them with goods at a significantly discounted price when i had TRD connections..

now, fair enough i called the sale off, as the 'said' price agreed upon for the 'said' car with 'said' engine was miscalculated by the seller and misfactored some $1600 (minused $800 instead of adding) and me not wanting to ruin an otherwise good relationship pulled out, as the deal was for a certain amount and the seller agreed to stick by this amount as it is what we shook on. but it didn't feel right, and i prolly wouldn't have gone for it with the extra money it would have cost, so i thought the deposit was on the car for a few days befor i notified the seller of the intention.. this was around xmas..

so i proceeded after a week or so, i was in no immediate rush.. to contact the seller to ask for the deposit back, as we do share some history and the seller from what i can see wasn't put out in anyway buy the few days the deposit was taken. and the car is now sold, and paid for in full, but thats another story by itself..

the seller advised me that his boss still has the deposit. fair enough as i did deposit into his account so i called the boss who i have known for a fair bit longer than the seller and asked him what his thought were and if i could come grab the money, the boss adv me that the seller was actually paid for via parts from the boss to equal the $500..

fair enough so i contacted the seller again, and asked if this was accurate, which it was... so keeping in mind i have good relations with both parties, my relationship with the boss hasn't soured and i have continued to help him out recently.

but this seller character... i'm not sure what to do.. one day he is saying yeh i can give you a few hundred and some parts etc to make up for it. but he doesn't have anything i need... so i'm just after my money back..

am i going insane for being too trust worthy of the seller whom i thought i knew would fuck me around??

and as i mentioned the car is now sold, and was paid for in full a few weeks ago, which is 14 times more than how much he owes me... and the money has already been committed.. well forgive me for being a bit old fashoned but i tend to take care of my debts, take care of my mates, not burn my bridges, befor i go out and by other cars and projects etc..

i may only be veiwing this from one side.. my side.. but it's the only side i have to go on at the moment..

sorry for the rant..

But is this what you guys would do if you were me??


30th January 2007, 05:02 PM
you put a deposit down on an agreed price, the price was changed significantly, you had every right to pull out and have your deposit returned to you IMO gl with gettin it back man.

30th January 2007, 05:15 PM
Im guessing that getting agro on him wont really help. Best you can do i suppose is take his parts and sell them on, ensuring you will be able to easily sell them to the value of 500 bux

30th January 2007, 05:19 PM
i know.. but i don't want to get all angry and up in his face about it cos that doesn't solve anything.. and it would ruin an otherwise ok trader relationship...

30th January 2007, 05:20 PM
i didn't pay him in parts or pineapples etc.. i expect the same thing back.. if he want to trade parts.. he can sell them and give me the cash..

the price was calculated wrong, and he said he would still honour the original price.. but to me that's not right.. so i pulled out cos thats not the way i want to do bussiness.. so really i saved him money.. and i'm trying to get mine back!

30th January 2007, 05:36 PM
i might see about the parts..

the price was calculated wrong, and he said he would still honour the original price.. but to me that's not right.. so i pulled out cos thats not the way i want to do bussiness.. so really i saved him money.. and i'm trying to get mine back![/b]

Get on to it my cars coming back soon and needs a carport http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/tongue.gif

30th January 2007, 06:30 PM
hahaha yeh i already factored this into our little equation and i should still be good for it by then anyhow http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/smile.gif

30th January 2007, 06:40 PM
I've bank rolled garage shanty before.

Give me the heads up and I'll come round an dget your cash off him for you. http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/smile.gif

30th January 2007, 06:43 PM
haha thanks for the offer but it won't come to that.. i am confident that the seller will come through in the end..

fool me once shame on you.. fool me twice shame on me..

this will not happen again..

30th January 2007, 06:53 PM
i mean i would half expect this from a complete stranger, but not someone i know!!

30th January 2007, 07:07 PM
well u gave him $500 as a deposit, he sold the car for more money so he still has the $500 aside PLUS the car new sale price, its not like he has to chase it up, it was seperate..

i normally take a 10% non-refundable security deposit and u get 2 weeks to pay the rest or i keep your money and it goes back for sale. BUT if i changed the price i would give the money back in the same form i got it, eg bank transfer or cash.

i think its obvious he doesnt have the same level of respect for you as you do to him. EG. if u were him u would sort the matter out right away wouldnt u? not fuck around pulling ya dick making up excuses

30th January 2007, 07:15 PM
that is quite obvious.. i have settled this with the seller..

not as i had hoped.. but there you go.. i thought i was doing him a favor not getting the car off him $1600 less than what the price should have been.. but there you go.. i guess we all make mistakes and just hope we learn from them..