View Full Version : 4-AGE 100KW engine

1st February 2007, 10:54 PM
I'm trying to learn how to rebuild an engine and am sorta new at this so bear with me.

I am looking to rebuild a 100kw engine from an AE92 Corolla GTI.

I have a manual for the 4-AGE from May 87 but if I'm not mistaken there is a more recent one which will cover the 100 kw engine as it was released 1989 onwards (correct me if I'm wrong).

Does anyone know if:

(a) the specifications are the same for the most part
(http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/cool.gif where I can get my hands on a more up to date manual?

Any help would be most appreciated.

1st February 2007, 10:59 PM
the genral 4a motor manul will cover all the basic mechanics you need to rebuild

hmm that reminds me i should redo my 4agze motor build tek

4th February 2007, 08:09 AM
Chilton (US) and gregories(Aust) both have shop manuals covering 100kw.
if you look on our web-page, www.roadandtrack.net.au, you will see a fairly full list of available parts that you might need. post here or pm for any advice you want. they are relatively simple if you are patient and take your time.

4th February 2007, 08:18 AM
I wouldnt mind giving this a go either, what kind of tools would you need terryo? What about a torque manual for all the bolts and stuff?