View Full Version : $agze.... Name this part!@!@!

2nd February 2007, 12:42 AM
OKay guys n gals...

There are water lines going up to the throttle body to some sensor..... what is it.. do i need it...
it looks like its just screwed to the TB>...

I have always had it on the car since i put the motor in and never botherd about it.. but i have started to clean up some hoses...

some explain to me what this part is...


and another..


So yeah.. please tell me what this part actually does and can i do without it..

2nd February 2007, 07:30 AM
Idle speed control.
Dont need it but you cant take it off so just block up the lines separately.

Hen is a total nutcase
2nd February 2007, 09:44 AM
Yes, that's the idle speed control valve.

However if possible I'd leave the water lines attached. There is a bimetallic coil inside the valve, so the valve centre position actually changes as the coolant temp changes. Probably not a big deal, but leaving the lines connected may make a slight difference to the time taken to reach idle/overshoot.


2nd February 2007, 02:39 PM
Yes, that's the idle speed control valve.

However if possible I'd leave the water lines attached. There is a bimetallic coil inside the valve, so the valve centre position actually changes as the coolant temp changes. Probably not a big deal, but leaving the lines connected may make a slight difference to the time taken to reach idle/overshoot.


^^^ So does this mean that if a remove this..... i will have to warm up the car... then set the idle?? and then being a trak car.. just know that when its cold.. it will idle like puss??

Brenton 86
2nd February 2007, 03:19 PM
Broke the magnets in the sensor ages ago, just thorough it out and set the idle manually and havent had a problem

2nd February 2007, 08:52 PM
Broke the magnets in the sensor ages ago, just thorough it out and set the idle manually and havent had a problem[/b]
^^^ WINNA... goodbye idle control!

Thankyou people!