View Full Version : Rear Drum brakes worn.. Options?

5th February 2007, 09:56 PM
Hi all,

At my last service, the mechanic told me my rear brakes are due for replacement.

I still have ADM stock rear drum brakes...
Ive been quoted about $350 for replacement. Is this a bit steep?

How much would I be looking at to do a DISC brake conversion on the rears? would it cost alot including labour?

And if I were to eventually get a 16v 4age conversion (still a 4ac) will drum brakes have the stopping power for all the extra power?

5th February 2007, 10:59 PM
get the lsd rear end..
worry about the 4age later lol
and yeh it can stop a 4age to some extent!

5th February 2007, 11:11 PM
$350 sounds VERY steep, what is "worn out" drums, linings, wheel cylinders,

wheels cylinder shoudl be about $25-30ea
Linings should be about $45 for a full set of 4.
and drums should be umm not very much, i'd take a guess at $45each maybe (i paid $52
a for my huge ass rotors on my Rangie, so they shoudltn be more than that) 600ml bottle of brake fluid is about $17 for the good shit

so id say yes its steep

Hen is a total nutcase
5th February 2007, 11:32 PM
Corolla kid is on the money. $350 is steep.

If the drums themselves are too worn then you should be able to pick up some cheap replacement secondhand/throw outs ones from someone who's gone disc/T series.


5th February 2007, 11:59 PM
What about labour costs in replacing them?
I have no idea so thats why I have to rely on the mech to tell me how much its gonna cost.

As for a discs , what parts do I need for an entire conversion?

Hen is a total nutcase
6th February 2007, 12:42 AM
Not doing work yourself = grab your ankles when they give you a price.

$350 for brakes, drive in, drive out including parts may not be that much, but shop around and talk to some more places.


6th February 2007, 05:51 AM
Not doing work yourself = grab your ankles when they give you a price.

$350 for brakes, drive in, drive out including parts may not be that much, but shop around and talk to some more places.


would 350 get me a disc brake conversion anywhere, drive in drive out ?

6th February 2007, 09:11 AM
350$!!!! daym.....

i guess if you dont want to do it youreslf, then you dont have much choice, and labor is a killer......

you sure you need to replace all of that? not just shoes and linings? is the slave cylinder leaking at all?

yeah figure out what you need, and throw up a WTB, someone will have something cheap..ish for ya

6th February 2007, 10:01 AM
a complete jap 86 disc rear is gona run you between 2 and 3 grand fitted however there are other disc options but all will end up being alot more $ $ including labour !
Like hen said labour= getting fisted !

6th February 2007, 10:03 AM
<{POST_SNAPBACK}> (index.php?act=findpost&pid=310302)

Not doing work yourself = grab your ankles when they give you a price.

$350 for brakes, drive in, drive out including parts may not be that much, but shop around and talk to some more places.


would 350 get me a disc brake conversion anywhere, drive in drive out ?

no not now, not ever

and you dont need discs for the 'power increase' of a 4age

6th February 2007, 01:44 PM
Give toyota a yell and see how much for two brand new drum casings
even tho toyota is expensive i doubt it would be more, or much more than $350...
just have to put them on yourself and thats really easy if you know how to do it

6th February 2007, 03:26 PM
I havent tried this but plan to at some stage:

- Buy a T series diff with drums from your local pick'a'part wrecker.
- whilst your there look for an and old Corona ST141 wreck and pinch the rear discs/calipers/brake lines/hand brake cable.

Apparently the Corona rear discs are very good and bolt straight onto T series drum diffs? Bolt it all together and slap into the back of your 86. Again I have not tried this, its just what I have read?

..of course if you dont do the spanner work yourself then it kills any financial savings and you may as well buy a T series JDM diff with discs on it.

6th February 2007, 08:52 PM
i guess most mechaincs will charge an hour a side, becasue we hate doing them becasue there are much better jobs we can do that shitty drum brakes http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/tongue.gif , so factor in 2 hrs @ (my labout price, i dunno what you mechanic charges, but we are the cheapest on the sunshine coast)) $68.60 =
$60pr wheel cyl
$45 Linings
$100 for two drums

$342.20 + $ 5for brake fluid and misc = $347.20 so no i guess its not steep, it just sounds it to some becasue they do their own stuff.

6th February 2007, 09:59 PM
yeah shop around, maybe get a quote from a brake specialist

7th February 2007, 12:12 AM
$60pr wheel cyl
$45 Linings
$100 for two drums[/b]

This would be assuming that the mechanics are going to be replacing EVERYTHING. they may have just been trying to ream you for linings and wheel cyls only... it happens.

still, $60pr is fucking steep for wheel cyls, i mine for $30pr, retail price.

it may piss off your mechanics but it may be cheaper (and my may i mean will probably) to go out and buy the parts yourself. little effort to save a fair chunk.
