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View Full Version : 14 Chevoit Dragway dishy wheels cheap.

4th March 2007, 11:29 AM
For sale: Chevoit dragway wheels (like mk I's i think)

Not mine BTW, just looking at them. EBAY, finishing 8th March.

Best for QLD people to look at them.

Should suit ae86/KE70 stud pattern as i've seen KEs with sigma wheels before.
14" bit of dish, brake boilers.

looks like it could be a good buy for those in need of some replacement wheels from stockies.

http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Cheviot-wheels-tyre...1QQcmdZViewItem (http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Cheviot-wheels-tyres-Set-of-4-14_W0QQitemZ130084204475QQihZ003QQcategoryZ6782QQr dZ1QQcmdZViewItem)

5th March 2007, 08:10 AM
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