View Full Version : Noisy box

23rd March 2007, 01:28 AM
Hey fellas...Just hoping someone might be able to help clear this up,

Well to begin with about three weeks ago my clutch slave finally gave up, leaving a big pool of clutch fluid on cavan rd and an impending tow by the raa inevitable. I put a new piston and rubber kit in and bingo I was back to my old clutch kicking antics within days.

About a week later I realized it was becoming really difficult to engage gears, plus the floor was becoming slippery so out came the master cylinder and in went a brand new one courtesy of pbr? This is where I think I made my first mistake. After fitting everything back in postition I unwound the fork on the end of the rod out of the master all the way back to reach the clutch pedal and connected it. Bled the clutch fluid and was on my way. From what Ive now been told, You are not meant to wind this fork out at all as doing this apparently allows your clutch to ride a little as your cruising a long. Is this true?

Anyway, about a week later on a reasonably warm day my clutch starts slipping like the proverbial. I nurse it home and order a heavy duty unit from AJPS. I start it the next day and start making my way up to AJPS and the clutch seems to be fine. No third gear chirpies but not slipping either. So I decide to pick the clutch up anyway as an upgrade couldnt hurt and maybe I could find the problem while I had it out.
So i drop the box out and the clutch seems to be fine, standard but with plenty of life left in it. I go to bolt the clutch in and while carefully torkin the nuts one breaks. Off comes the flywheel and in goes a helicoil and new nut. Next the flywheel nut breaks. By this time its sunday night so the only option is to steal a nut out the passenger seat (sounds dodgy but there the same size).
So anyway, clutch is fitted back in, everything bolted back up and I start the car.
First problem: The clutch makes a whirring noise as it is depressed about half way but goes way once fully depressed. I ring a mechanic who says its probably the new thrust bearing and it happens some times coz its new.probably go away?
Second problem: I take it for a quick thrash to make sure nothings going to break on the way home. The clutch is phat,snaps kinda hard and everything seems to work. And then as I go to change gears a new noise starts. A banging from what sounds like the bell housing. Almost as if someones throwing a bag of nuts around or a real grinding sound.
Seems to be mainly just when you come off the power or go to change gear as well,rev it at the lightsany questions just ask. I think Ive blown my box. http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/rant.gif

So I thought I would just put it out there and use your experience to my advantage. Sorry about the length of this thread as well

Anyhelp or ideas would be greatly appreciated
