View Full Version : wiring troubles

13th April 2007, 11:06 PM
i disected my front wheel drive loom to suit the motor its all finished what colour wire is for power and how many positive wires are there i got at the start of the loom near the computer a black wire with red dots up it and a black wire with white line any ideas could some one send me a loom diagram for the bigport motor please need help asap.

Hen is a total nutcase
14th April 2007, 07:59 AM
1 - Punctuation and grammar help.
2 - Find the wiring diagram for the engine you have (bigport/smallport/20V/whatever). There are lots at club4ag, or a sticky thread in tech articles here.
3 - Then find the applicable wires in your loom, match the colours and connections with your diagram and so work out what the wire does.
