View Full Version : 20V Into AE71

16th April 2007, 12:02 AM

I've been trying to decide what would make a nice daily driver while my 1600 is off the road. I had in mind an SIII Niss. Bluebird with CA18DET, then something like EL/EF Fairlane (which more than likely would be a slushbox tranny http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/dry.gif ) but recently I've thought about a project I had in mind a while ago which is 4AGE E70 series.

As far as I'm aware 4AGE 16V will drop straight in, replacing the 4-AC, and a 20V will need firewall modifications in most cases, though there are ways around it. I was just wondering if anyone has actually done the conversion and what exactly is involved, and approximate prices on parts/work?


16th April 2007, 03:21 AM
it has been done about 100000000000 times. its the same as doing a conversion in an 86.

here are some links to get you started (and finished)
cooling system (http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forum/index.php?showtopic=13864)
conversion (http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forum/index.php?showtopic=557)

i have a s3 bluey with a CA18 in it. it is a VERY easy conversion to do, but dont let me put you off the 20v, that also is a sweet setup

16th April 2007, 09:39 AM
yah the 20v conversion isnt tooo hard even i did it, the hardest part really is deciding what your gonna do in relation to the fire wall/ waster system problems once your over that the conversion is very similar to a 16v.... prices

20v is around $800.00 i think??
streeter water redirectional kit is $200.00 i think
Razorback ecu to get rid of the dizzy and make your car a hole lot sexyer $600.00 trade in for your old 20v ecu + 50 to 80 for coil packs
$250 for sam the owner of razorback to wire your car
then u gotta get your t50 box from your origional car or buy a new 1
you will need a rwd clutch
thermo fan $60.00
get a new radiator or get your old one reconditioned 70 - 100
extractors $150 from streeter
exhaust verys grealy from shop to shop
Fuel pump and some efi line get a vl one + line would be aboule 160

thants all i can think of shure thers other studd but that should put it into perspective

16th April 2007, 11:16 AM
So around $2000 in parts, including motor.. Not too bad but maybe I should opt for a 16V instead.

Jonny Rochester
16th April 2007, 12:21 PM
A nice daily driver is a AE92 Corolla with 4A-FE. They go ok, just maintain it. If you get an auto you can eat your McDonnalds on the go. Putting a 20valve in a old car is way too much stuffing around for a second car.

17th April 2007, 01:20 AM
Yeah but it's still cheap. I could just go 16V

7th June 2007, 02:02 PM
Sorry to dig up old thread, does anyone know if I use that kit Anthony makes, does the 20V go straight into AE71 engine bay with original mounts, and straight onto T50 gearbox (so I don't need to remove the gearbox).

Also, does Sam (razorback guy) have to rewire my car or can someone else do it for me?

8th June 2007, 12:36 AM
engine will go in on ae71 engine mounts and retain t-50.

You can pay for foxtail to be flown over from QLD or you could get someone local to do it for you.

9th June 2007, 03:14 AM
I got a mate that does wiring so he could do it ?

9th June 2007, 03:57 AM
You will need small bits and shits to make the 20V rwd even if you buy the kaizen garage cooling kit.

It will bolt up to the stock engine mounts, however there is a little part in the back of the engine / clutch assembly that you will need, costs like $3, can't remember what it is / called in my current state (drunkasaurus rex).

Yeah. do it n shit.

9th June 2007, 02:55 PM
Will do captain alco!

9th June 2007, 11:18 PM
Does he know enough about wiring to do it?

If not I can help you do it.

He's talking about a spigot bearing.