View Full Version : POD FILTERS

25th April 2007, 12:30 AM
hi, i have a trueno... just got it 1 week ago, it has a cold hard intake. the whole car was from japan. i'd like to know if someone could help me clean my apex pod filter. names of equipment and methods would be good:D

25th April 2007, 11:27 AM
theres an air filter cleaning kit which comes with a couple of different sprays.

25th April 2007, 12:28 PM
K&N make a filter cleaning kit, comes with every thing needed to clean an air filters, cost about $30 at supercheap. From memory castrol makes a spray as well but havnt seen it for a couple of years anywhere

25th April 2007, 04:14 PM
Pretty sure Apexi use non-oil type filter unlike other brands like k&n. So if the cleaning kit includes oiling it, maybe hold back on that part

Air compressor won't do? http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/smile.gif

25th April 2007, 10:52 PM
Air compressor will do the best job for you. If its definatley and oil free air filter just clean it out with sopy water and rinse well. Let it dry right out and your done.


26th April 2007, 01:28 PM
just buy new foam from clarke rubber and trim it to size it will owrk just change it every now and then